Lynn Simmons, lost in the High Uintas


Broadcaster, formerly "ashergrey"
May 5, 2012
Figured some folks here might be interested in a long-forgotten missing persons case I came across several months back: the unsolved disappearance of Lynn Simmons on Sept. 4, 1940.

1940 Uinta Mountains Lynn Simmons.jpg

Simmons was an axeman on a General Land Office survey crew on assignment in the Uintas. On the day he disappeared, Lynn and three other surveyors were descending from Lamotte Peak toward Baker Lake. Lynn became separated from the rest of the group in the midst of a storm and was last seen on Lamotte's north ridge. The other surveyors went for help the following morning, and a search involving hundreds of people failed to turn up any sign of him.


When I came across Lynn's story in old newspaper stories, I realized he wasn't listed on any missing persons databases. All official records of the search had also been lost, and Lynn's surviving relatives didn't know the details of the story. Lamotte's an obscure enough peak that none of them knew how to find it.

Over the course of several months, I worked with one of Lynn's nieces to piece together the story of his life, and to find old maps and other records that helped fill in the story.

Ultimately, I think it's likely Lynn's remains came to rest somewhere in the wilds between Stillwater Fork and East Fork of the Bear. But why he wasn't found in 1940... I can't say. The mystery persists.

I produced a story about Lynn for KSL. You can watch or read more here: