Lower Death Hollow at it's finest


Feb 10, 2018
After months of waiting the day finally came. May 17, 2018. All 10 of us headed out about 6 pm after work and headed down to the trailhead near the airstrip in Boulder, UT. We pulled in late, threw up our tents and went to bed. The stars were Amazing under the clear sky. The next morning we ate a quick breakfast and then 3 of us drove down the street to drop off our shuttle cars as the HWY 12 bridge. We finally got on the trail about 8:00 am and started our march toward death hollow. IMG_3435.JPG

Although the forecast did say there would be a 60% chance of rain that day, the weather was perfect! 70 degrees and mostly clear with a few clouds for most the day. IMG_3441.JPG

We made quick time on the sandstone and passed a few smaller groups as we made it to the drop into Lower Death Hollow. IMG_3457.JPG

The water was beautiful, clear, and just warm enough to feel refreshing without freezing your toes.

Man, this little water hole was a delight! I wish we could have stayed there for hours, but we needed to be on our way so we just ate a snack took a few quick dips and headed onward. It finally did rain just enough to cool us off and bring out all of the wonder desert smells. The rain was short, sweet and very memorable, just like our trip to Death Hollow.

Ran into this little guy so we said hello.



We came across many other hikers so we were all smiles when we found that this beauty of a campsite was still open and perfect for all 10 of us. IMG_3596.JPG


The alcove was a perfect place to camp, eat dinner, chat, and sleep soundly on some soft flat sand. In the morning we were up early to finish our hike out to HWY 12.

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Overall I can say that our backpacking trip down Lower Death Hollow was even better than I had hoped it would be.

Thanks to all of you who shared your knowledge and expertise with me to make this an Amazing trip.
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OoooOoOoOo lovely trip report! Hope everyone had an amazng time!
Thanks for the share!
Looks like your crew had a blast! I was hiking out as you guys were headed in and I noticed one of you had a fly rod. Where are the trout pics??
Looks like your crew had a blast! I was hiking out as you guys were headed in and I noticed one of you had a fly rod. Where are the trout pics??

Yea, he did catch a bunch but unfortunately I wasn't with him when he did so no photos. We made such a quick trip thru the canyon there really wasn't a lot of time for him to fish either. Where did you guys start your hike? What was your route?