Local winter trip


Mar 6, 2014
For this short winter backpack we drove a few miles from the house and got going. We went to a place that, like many around here, is so dry it can only be backpacked after recent rain or snow, both of which we have had plenty. It came as a mild surprise when half way through a vigorous cold front dusted everything extra white for us. After that we we were reacquainted with true 'slick'rock!

The first task was two thousand feet of ascending in under two miles via a seldom traveled route through a formidable wall. Once on top we bagged the high point of the rim and descended into the wild maze of fins 'behind'.

For a couple of days we weaved in and out of cul-de-sacs and tricky drops and gorgeous passages until we emerged on the other side. The labyrinthine route was impossible to plan via satellite images, and the region has no handy GPX tracks to preload on your phone. Mostly we just winged it, and mostly it paid off. Ropes were needed to lower packs and hoist the dog on numerous occasions, but we had to make sure we could backtrack - just in case. Although after the snow blanketed everything, we had several down slides that were irreversible with the current conditions.





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So cool. My cousin and I tried several times to find a way up when we were kids.... pretty close to where you were looks like.
Excellent @Kullaberg63. I love taking advantage of these times where it would normally be super dry, particularly getting up high on benches and mesa's to enjoy the view.
Very nice! Typical Kully family outing...

I love the doggie's sunglasses and the ice breaking video is classic.

Thank you sir.
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Anything cool in that alcove? I've always wondered what's up in there among the lesser-traveled areas.