Live from The Highline Trail

I've decided to put my new DeLorme inReach 2-way satellite communicator to the test

Good luck, Nick!

I'm anxious to hear your report on your new device. Somehow this one slipped past me, so I'm curious to hear how it does. I've never been a fan of SPOT because of its lack of two-way communication, and the inReach seems to solve that. However... that subscription still scares me away as I don't get out there as frequently as you. For me it still seems like the best bet is the SAT phone rental. But, I could re-assess if you say the inReach is awesome.

Have fun,
- Jamal
That's great that you're able to keep your pack weight so low for a week long trip.:twothumbs: I hope you guys have an awesome time and I'm looking forward to seeing the updates roll through!
Have a safe and fun trip guys! Hope the weather is better than predicted, but I guess it will make for some sweet photo ops like the ones ashergrey took. I'm really curious to find out what that stretch between Leidy and Kings is like.
Anyone wanting to check out the live map as we cross the highline can visit Our location there will be updated about every 10 minutes as we hike. Once you're there, zoom in and press the "+" button next to the red dot signifing our current location to see our tracks. That map will be empty until Saturday afternoon.
Bag is packed! I went with all the luxuries, extra lens, liter of whiskey (only one, lostlandscapes, but I have a backup fifth in the car if I have a change of heart at the trailhead), a little more food to be safe... and my final weigh in with absolutely everything:

37.6 pounds

Nice to know that upwards of 16 pounds of that will be consumed by the time I reach the end. 21 lbs sounds much nicer. :)

Sweet! Now teach me master. Still don't know how you do it with that size of pack. :twothumbs:
From Nick's inReach, 7/21/12, 7:20PM MST:

Camped at Dollar Lake south of Whiterocks tonight. 10.5 miles in. Feeling this mornings 4:30AM wake up and the altitude. A night to acclimate would have been nice. Spent most of today wandering tundra at 11k+ with awesome storms all around but no bugs and no rain.
This is so cool!

I tried to pack for two nights in my 36L pack and didn't make it. :(
I still have a lot to learn.
Ugh. I had to bail. I was pretty sick and weak the first day but chalked it up to 430am wake up and the altitude. It persisted today so I decided to turn around and start hiking down the Chepeta Road. Cody and Dan are continuing on the trail.

After a couple miles of road walking I successfully hitched a ride to Roosevelt and I still feel awful so don't think it was elevation. Very sad day for me to have to pull the plug on the highline but I don't think 7 more passes and 65+ more miles would have been a good idea with whatever it is I have. :(

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That sucks I have to say it is a smart thing to do, getting out there and getting super sick is a bad idea for you and the group. I hope you can give it another try.
Dude that bites, sorry to hear it. I saw your DeLorme track seemed to be following the road and wondered what was happening.
Wise, even if frustrating, move. Live to hike another day.
Glad you made the smart decision when you crossed that road, and glad you quickly caught a ride. Get well soon!
I was really afraid that I would regret the decision to bail. It was a seriously difficult decision to make. SERIOUSLY. I'm happy to say that I still feel like crap, even sitting on my nice comfy couch with a cold beer. So definitely the right decision. Already looking at dates to finish it solo later this summer.

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