Kolob Canyon


New Member
Mar 3, 2016
Prior to our trip down the Hermit Trail in the Grand Canyon we will likely be spending two nights in Kolob Canyons and camping along La Verkin Creek in Zion. Of course we'll see the arch and may make it up Bear Trap Canyon to the falls, but I'd almost be more interested in climbing to the top of one of the buttes in the area. There's no obvious trail to the top of any of the Buttes except maybe on the northeast side of the canyons. That's too far from La Verkin and so we're wondering if there's a way to climb from the creek area? Timbertop would be great, but I'm pretty sure we'd have to be rock climbers and not hikers to get there. Anyone know of other options that may give us a good vista via the top of a butte on the southern end of Kolob?

The more I Google Earth the area the more I realize why I haven't gotten a reply to my thread. Those are some steep inclines.....
The more I Google Earth the area the more I realize why I haven't gotten a reply to my thread. Those are some steep inclines.....

Yep. A lot of those big mesas in and around Zion are like isolated eco systems - real 'islands in the sky'. Looking out at them, I can't help but wonder what lives up there and how the hell it got there. I guess climbers have probably found their way to the top of many of them though.
