KiDdIe CaNyOnEeRiNg - Fin's & Things with the Family

Blake Merrell

Life Elevated - Rising Higher
Feb 25, 2013
Meet up with my friend luke for a little family canyoneering trip. He and I introduced our families to Fin's and Things canyon. It was a great day out with the kiddos.

As always, canyoneering with kids proves to be a wonderful adventure. The kids all seemed to have a lot of fun. And again, as always, a typically short route ended up taking a little more than 7 hours to complete.

My favorite moments were watching my son walk along the canyon walls, climb on little rocks, constantly hug the 9 month old baby who came along, slide down the zip-line we rigged for the last drop, and go swimming in the upper pools of mill creek!

Here is a video of the trip. Enjoy!

That is awesome! Great memories forming right there!

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