Kanarra Creek (short hike) 05.10.11


Jan 18, 2012
I was on a work-related trip back to St George, after having been there two weeks earlier for spring break. On my way home I thought I'd take a little detour to Kanarraville to hike Kanarra creek, which I had first seen through Bill's photos from last summer.

To get to Kanarra Creek, just head East up 100 North off Main street and you'll come to a parking lot right before the road is fenced off. Park there and follow the well-marked maintenance road from here on out.

Recently we've had some serious rain storms, coupled by a 200% snow pack, so the creek was running really high and really fast. I did some creek hopping a couple of times in order to stay dry, but after the 3rd time I was done; I removed my shoes and rolled up my pants. The water was COLD and running fast. I needed a stick to keep my balance or I would have gone down for sure.

The canyon was beautiful once you get back into it, but as you can see from my pictures, I didn't get as far as I would have liked to (see Bill's pic's; they got into the narrows section and to the awesome water fall). I was very close to that area, but it was impossible for me to keep going without risking being swept down the creek by the massive rush of water.

I really want to go back, possibly this summer. It's so close to the freeway and pretty quick to get to.

The first big crossing; had to find a skinnier spot down stream

The trail gets skinnier for a bit, but I can imagine when the water is not as fast, that people just hike right up through the creek at this point

Water supply pipe is getting exposed

A second crossing. I went up stream a bit, barely finding some rocks to climb over and hop to the other side to continue

Another crossing (can you see how this is getting a bit tiresome?)

Canyon is getting a bit skinnier in the background

The first crossing with bare feet. I had considered trying the log with my shoes on, but I thought I'd be safer just wading through the water bare foot.

View of the creek before I crossed it

There was a mini-alcove across the creek

And beyond the alcove just around the corner was a this tiny fall that had some massive water pouring over

The rest was a bit un-eventful. Traveled off the path a bit to avoid getting too wet; climbed up high on a cliff to by-pass some areas that I couldn't pass (too fast and deep)

Cold bare feet

My by-pass route

Selfie on the bypass route

This was as far as I got across the creek. I had ditched my shoes and decided to go barefoot, but found a ways up that it got to narrow (note my shoes across the creek)

Too narrow to keep going

Selfie after returning to the first barefoot crossing

I had to get home quickly, so I high-tailed it back, running most of the way in wet pants. I can't wait to go back under better circumstances.