Album Jump Shots


Aug 9, 2007
Post your jump shots here!

Yeah, they're a bit silly but super fun when you finally find someone to do them for you. Or at least someone to push the trigger on your camera while you do the jumping. I need all the motivation I can get to con people into jumping for me so keep this thread alive! My next door neighbor Flickr Rick will be proud of this thread. :D

Starting this out with a selfie-jump shot.

lol :)
and all the solo hikers like me are never able to do it. I would love to figure out a way to do it by myself.
So what are your exifs on this one?

A lot of cameras are easy to do solo jump shots with. My old Canon XSi would let me set a 10 second timer and then blast a bunch of shots. Unfortunately my 60d lacks that feature. I can still set a timer and have it auto bracket at +/- 1/3. That's close enough to zero that I can still use either image with slight adjustments. I've noticed Flickr Rick, the jump shot master, often has a tiny remote intro, in his hand in his selfie jumps. So still possible. :)

As for exif, I'm not sure. I usually do shutter priority around 1/500 for jumps. I'd check but I've been banished to the couch to put my foot up and all I have is my iPad. :(
A lot of cameras are easy to do solo jump shots with. My old Canon XSi would let me set a 10 second timer and then blast a bunch of shots. Unfortunately my 60d lacks that feature. I can still set a timer and hav it auto bracket at +/- 1/3. That's close enough to zero that I can still use either image with slig adjustments. I've noticed Flickr Rick, the jump shot master, often has a tiny remote intro, in his hand in his selfie jumps. So still possible. :)

I used the timer function of my S95, which allows 25 sec until it finally gets started. And I also like the set of 3 consecutive shots in it. I used it a few of times for Selfies in Little Wild Horse Canyon, but never tried for jump shots. So I guess it could be possible with the little one.
I always wondered how you guys did it, but sure, with someone else pushing the trigger it's much easier.
I'll give it a try on one of my next trips :)

As for exif, I'm not sure. I usually do shutter priority around 1/500 for jumps. I'd check but I've been banished to the couch to put my foot up and all I have is my iPad. :(

no problem, it's not that important.
Take care of your foot, then you're back on track soon
Nick what a great shot and thread! Thanks for the shout out! I use the 10 sec timer if I have to but the remote I use with my Canon MarkII has a 2 sec timer that I find to be much easier. Self timed shots or shots of others, I've found it to be challenging and fun. Get the focus set and a fast shutter speed and fire away!
lol :)
and all the solo hikers like me are never able to do it. I would love to figure out a way to do it by myself.
So what are your exifs on this one?
Just count off in your head the 10 sec timer.
And then repeat 6 more times until you get it right.....
Think of as exercise program.
lol :)
and all the solo hikers like me are never able to do it. I would love to figure out a way to do it by myself.
So what are your exifs on this one?
joking aside, there's gotta be a wireless shutter button for your camera.
You can totally use a wireless remote. You just have to be holding it and pushing the trigger as you're flying through the air.
here's one of my favorites.

Night jumping on the rim of Labyrinth Canyon. Not really the best idea late at night after sitting around the fire drinking. It was a sheer 400 foot drop about 3 feet behind him. :eek:
You're the same guy who messed your foot, right? Tell me again how you did that? And was alcohol involved? :D
Night jumping on the rim of Labyrinth Canyon. Not really the best idea late at night after sitting around the fire drinking. It was a sheer 400 foot drop about 3 feet behind him. :eek:
Oh ya for got to add, very cool picture. It looks photoshopped. I take your word it's not, just saying if I saw this online I would have assumed computer worked.
You're the same guy who messed your foot, right? Tell me again how you did that? And was alcohol involved? :D

Haha, yeah. Fortunately that's not me doing the jumping but my friend who is much better at it.

Oh ya for got to add, very cool picture. It looks photoshopped. I take your word it's not, just saying if I saw this online I would have assumed computer worked.

Thanks. It's tricky getting the lighting right. We setup an external flash at an angle and flash it as he is in mid air. Pretty tough to time it just right. Even tougher to get the jumper not to have a painful look on their face.