Instagram - BCP members


Nov 28, 2012
There's one thing I love about Backcountrypost, all the photos. There are so many AWESOME post on here, and talk about amazing photography. I thought I would start up a post for you to post your username if you have an open account. I would love to see what you guys are posting on Instagram.

I will start it off, you can follow me at: darleyphotography

Happy Hiking
Mine is rlngstrt

Instagram to me is about the moment, not necessarily the photo. I only post photos taken with my iPhone...I don't transfer photos taken with other cameras over to Instagram.
Instagram to me is about the moment, not necessarily the photo...

I agree, although I post a lot of canyon pics on mine, I can't always post "in the moment" from the canyons, so mine are often delayed a bit :twothumbs:
Instagram: northwashoutfitters
I agree, although I post a lot of canyon pics on mine, I can't always post "in the moment" from the canyons, so mine are often delayed a bit :twothumbs:
Instagram: northwashoutfitters

Mine are delayed when I don't have signal...but I try to post them as soon as I do :)
Mine is wadenield

Backcountrypost's instagram account only has 2 photos. It'd be cool if it could show photos from this site! Maybe feed the photos from the featured trip reports on the front page? Hopefully it could be automated somehow...
The BCP account has photos!? I was thinking I should start doing that whole instagram thing... apparently I already did?
I was thinking about starting a thread for this the other day. There are a few people on here that I follow on Instagram. I am sure there are more on here after 4 years. It would be awesome to see some more BCP'ers on my instagram. I am on instagram as maplecanyonadventures.
I just checked out a few of you guys' pages, some good stuff out there. I am mimaesar if you want to check it out...
I’m dave_cawley on IG. And I timeshift photos. I also side load from other devices and rarely post pics straight from the iPhone camera.
I essentially said I do the opposite of @IntrepidXJ.

I still do the same thing with my main personal account (rlngstrt) when I originally posted that in 2014, but earlier this year I did open a second account ( to post some of my better photos from my main camera and see how difficult it is to build an audience on IG these days (it's pretty damn difficult if you don't want to spend any money).

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