InReach vs Spot Messenger 2013

Sorry Art, you fit in the old category, me too. At least we are still cranking. Is that an Aussie @ your feet? We had one for many years, great dogs.
That's Merlin my Border Collie friend. I pasted his mug all over this thread I started. I have had the pleasure of a long time Australian Shepherd companion too. Very similar breeds. Merlin says thanks!
I swear, you and I have had totally opposite inReach experiences!

Here's the other thing I'm learning, especially lately. It almost never just quickly sends out a message anymore it acts like it's trying and trying for like 10-15 minutes and then just goes back to plain old power light blinking. Turns out the message gets out, but it sure doesn't seem like it from my POV in the backcountry. :mad:
Mine has never done that. I sent a message from the bottom of Coyote Gulch last weekend in about 10 seconds.
That's why it and the magic wand Steripen need a display to actually say what is going on instead of blinkie this & blinkie that!
Bummed to hear the InReach is less than desirable. I'm on my 4th SPOT 2 since my original purchase (3 have failed - these are all replacements) all have failed during long motorcycles which was my main reason for purchasing - just for the record, their customer service is less than spectacular. On my trip to Utah last week, my current unit failed to transmit regularly which is extremely disappointing (also making my parents and boyfriend a bit nervous). I have no experience with the SPOT Connect, but was seriously considering the InReach - I guess I'll hold off for new updated versions of these personal locators.
I have no experience with the SPOT Connect, but was seriously considering the InReach - I guess I'll hold off for new updated versions of these personal locators.

Just to make the counter-point, I've had no problems at all with my inReach, and I like it much better than my old Spot. I don't at all regret switching.
I have a feeling this is how all of the posts will be from Nick and me when people ask about the inReach :)
I've had 2 SPOT 2's fail on me. I went back to the original SPOT and have never had a problem with it.

Bummed to hear the InReach is less than desirable. I'm on my 4th SPOT 2 since my original purchase (3 have failed - these are all replacements) all have failed during long motorcycles which was my main reason for purchasing - just for the record, their customer service is less than spectacular. On my trip to Utah last week, my current unit failed to transmit regularly which is extremely disappointing (also making my parents and boyfriend a bit nervous). I have no experience with the SPOT Connect, but was seriously considering the InReach - I guess I'll hold off for new updated versions of these personal locators.
You got chocolate in my peanut butter!

(I have a fear that it's starting to mean that I'm getting old when I quote commercials from the 80s...when did the 80s get to be so long ago?)
I went back to the original SPOT and have never had a problem with it.

I had the original Spot, also, and never had a problem with it, either. I just liked the features of the inReach better, so I switched out.

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