ID these pictures......


Mar 3, 2013
Scanning old pictures, can't place these. First 2 and the last one I'm pretty sure is in the Uintas. The other 2 not sure.... Look familiar to anyone?Scan-250215-0001.jpgScan-250215-0002.jpgScan-250215-0003.jpgScan-250215-0004.jpgScan-250215-0008.jpg
I could swear I've seen these Uintas views, but don't remember where
I know I went over Gunsight and Smith Forks Pass, King's Peak on that trip .... but was in 1973 and I only have few pics.
In those first 2 photos you are looking at Kings Peak from Henry's fork basin. Not entirely sure what lakes you are at in that basin though. Maybe Grass Lake or Henry's fork Lake. On that last photo, I remember seeing a waterfall in the distance in Henry's Fork Basin and the cliffs seem to line up with the first two photos, so I would guess it is also in Henry's Fork Basin but not 100% sure on that.
Yes, came in from north doing a loop. The other pics are on different paper so I suspect somewhere else but don't know. Possibly SW Colorado

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