Horizon Arch


Mar 12, 2012
On Saturday I took the RZR out for a ride. As usual I was out the door late and heading toward the Moore cutoff road. I parked near Lookout Point and unloaded my RZR. I turned off onto Salt Wash road and headed toward I-70. The road had been washed out in several places but there had been enough traffic that had made trails around it.

After crossing over I-70, I stopped to find a geocache and take a picture or two.

The road to Kimball Draw had been graded recently so the ride was fast going. While turning into Kimball Draw, I passed the only person I would see for the day. The trail followed in the wash and then split. One way heading to Horizon Arch the other Copper Globe. The trail to Horizon Arch followed the wash and then would climb out and then back in. It was a fun trail to ride along with a few minor obstacles thrown in.

I took one side trail to check out a large plastic covered pond. It was short and interesting stop along the way.

After that little side trip it was on to the arch. The arch is pretty cool and the views from it were awesome. You could see a lot of landmarks around. I found the nearby geocache and then hiked all the way around the arch.

After eating lunch, I headed back but took a different trail. This trail followed the rim of Cat Canyon and comes out in Kimball Draw. This trail was great fun, there were lots of ups and downs and banked turns. It reminded me of a roller coaster at times.

After reaching Kimball Draw it was a nice ride back. I even ran into some rock art the had a lot of graffiti on it.

It was a great ride and the weather was perfect. It was well worth the ride out and back. I hope to explore that area some more this year.

Link to Google Earth file

Link to Google Map