Hiking options in the Uintas this weekend


Apr 27, 2016
My wife and I are heading into the Uintas this weekend. We are also dragging along some friends and family with kids ranging from 4-15 years in age. It looks like there is the possibility of rain in the valley this week so I'm wondering how this may affect hiking options. They said they are okay with cold, rain, and not too deep snow. I'm just wondering what our best options would be for some short, easy hikes that wouldn't be too intimidating for this group. We will be heading up the Mirror Lake Highway from Kamas on Saturday. I appreciate all of your assistance, since the first time I have been in the Uintas was a couple of months ago I still rely on the combined wisdom of this group.

Thanks in advance.
Its looking like there is gonna be patchy snow everywhere out there. Especially on the north facing drainages. This is a helpful link if you have Google Earth to see where there is snow and how much. Pick the "Snow Analysis Overlays" on the left and most current date.

Link: http://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/earth/

We are getting warmer after this storm, but looks like we have monsoon moisture in the forecast into the weekend. The lower in elevation, the less snow you are going to run into. Here is Bald Mt Pass as of today.

Its looking like there is gonna be patchy snow everywhere out there. Especially on the north facing drainages. This is a helpful link if you have Google Earth to see where there is snow and how much. Pick the "Snow Analysis Overlays" on the left and most current date.

Link: http://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/earth/

We are getting warmer after this storm, but looks like we have monsoon moisture in the forecast into the weekend. The lower in elevation, the less snow you are going to run into. Here is Bald Mt Pass as of today.

Thanks. Those overlays on google map are pretty cool. Lets me know right where the snow starts. Hopefully it won't be too terrible and we can get out and everyone will have a good time. I'm taking hot cocoa as a tool of bribery.