High Uintas - Henry's, Painter, Yellowstone, Smith's


Mar 10, 2016
A very WET week. Was glad to get out earlier than planned, now itching to go back already. So much rain...

Henry's Fork was amazing. Very scenic. Found a great campsite and chilled for 3 days, wandering around as long as it would stay dry. Which was usually 3-5 hours.







Dad approved. _MG_2704.jpg

Painter Basin was pretty , but just a layover. Did get to help find some lost teens. They would have been ok, but it would have been a miserable night ! SAR helicoptered in to Dollar lake I heard from passers by next day. Had a lot illegal campfires to douse I also heard.




People were flocking off King's by noon due to storms. Some said their fingers and toes were popping and they could feel static electricity across exposed flesh. Women's hair was standing out straight at Anderson Pass. Lightening struck earth in the Yellowstone. Pretty sketchy. Then hail and rain and wind down to spend a couple days. Very scenic.






Then over to the Smith forks where I just decided to give a nod as I passed through. I love mountain weather, clouds build to afternoon storms for an hour or three. But it rained 3-6 hours every day. After 2 weeks it got a little tiresome.
We had a similar experience doing Kings a couple years ago.

I love your shots of wide open scenery, especially that one looking into Red Castle.
With all the weather to deal with, don't you get nervous about having your tent so exposed like that on the wide open tundra? I always thought that put you at a higher risk for a lightning strike. Gorgeous pics though!
With all the weather to deal with, don't you get nervous about having your tent so exposed like that on the wide open tundra? I always thought that put you at a higher risk for a lightning strike. Gorgeous pics though!
You set up the tent for the shot, and then pack it up and keep moving :)
With all the weather to deal with, don't you get nervous about having your tent so exposed like that on the wide open tundra? I always thought that put you at a higher risk for a lightning strike. Gorgeous pics though!

The only time it worried me was when thunder pealed right over me one time. I never knew thunder could shake a tent!