Help me win a float trip down Cataract Canyon


Aug 9, 2007
I have a big favor to ask you BCP'ers. I don't typically enter photo contests, but I recently submitted a shot to Holiday River Expeditions to win a spot in a guided trip down Cataract Canyon this fall. The theme was to post a pic from a national park using the hashtag @GoWithTheFlow. So I entered an action shot from a canyoneering trip rappelling down Mystery Falls in the Zion Narrows.

In order to win, I need some votes on Facebook. Could anyone with a FB account head over there and send some votes me way? Here's the link:

I believe it says you have to like the page, but I think you can just click skip and still vote. Although liking river guide pages is never a bad idea.

Thanks a ton!!

This is the shot, I'm Nick Woolley.
What the heck?! Yours is the only one with "flow" in a national park! Yours is the only one that meets the parameters of the title.

All with a FB page vote for Nick, the rightful winner!
Yeah, I didn't know it was going to be a popularity contest (public vote) when I entered. I thought I'd have a pretty good chance with the whole 'go with the flow' theme. That selfie in the top spot is kicking my butt though.
Which is a shame... its no where near as nice a picture.

Maybe next time you should just post a selfie of you and your dogs on the boat, while you hold a beer in your hand, while someone else is holding a fish. Load as many popular or cute things into it as possible.
Oh, BTW, it appears you have to click on the vote button twice to get the vote to go through. Once, then it connects to your account, then again. It will be greyed out once the vote is in. I've had a few people mention it didn't work without doing that.
here i thought i was going to volunteer to float the river with you...damn you tricky titles!
(i voted anyway)
Done! I'm surprised at how few photos were submitted. While floating Cataract Canyon will be epic, I hope
your knee issues don't limit you to float trips into the future.
Thanks, Ned. I was surprised as well. I don't usually enter photo contests of any kind but I saw that one day and thought, what the heck. I didn't realize it was going to be settled by popular vote though or else I probably wouldn't have.

Still in the lead but my old pal @Bill is just a few votes behind and he posted it to his 13k+ instagram followers so I imagine the fun of being on top will be over in short order. Much better to lose to his nice shot compared to someone's selfie though. One of these days I'm gonna ride some rapids, dang it! :cry:
this is what convinced me. Nick, seriously how are you not winning this?

Getting votes is hard! I can see how Bill is killing it with his big Instagram following. And that girl in second has rallied hard. She must have a heck of a lot of friends. I've tapped out about everything I can think of. Oh well. Maybe if I can still hang sort of close I can rally some votes last minute.
Okay, I officially give up. Stick a fork in me. And what a great reminder of why to never enter a photo popularity contest. The only time a selfie with a wadded up jacket in your hand wins you a $2300 float trip. :facepalm:

Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 9.18.56 AM.png
It would def be easier to lose to someone with a better photo than that! Cell phone, bad rays, wadded up shirt? I'm surprised anyone wouldn't have a better photo to enter in a contest like this. Maybe it's her only NP shot?
i'm betting it was more a popularity vote than people actually voting for the better image.