Help/Invite:Cape Solitude at rim of Colorado & Little Colorado confluence


May 18, 2012
Has anyone driven recently to Cape Solitude on Indian Route 6140 (that's part of the route). It's supposed to be one of the best Grand Canyon viewpoints away from the paved road crowds, but the options are this 23 mile each way unmaintained track or a 15 miles each way mainly dull hike carrying lots to camp.

Kelsey's books talked about the old driving way from Desert View via Cedar Mtn as having got extremely bad, so he recommended a slightly longer one where he talked about one rough steep one mile stretch. But having investigated furthe,r other stretches sound quite rough and in washes that may have changed,and as foreign tourists we can only rent a Cherokee, and if we did hit trouble we'd be on our own a long way from paved road, so quite nervy.

Alternatively, if someone fancies going with us and there was a 2nd vehicle (in mid-Oct overnighting for sunrise/sunset pics), or 1 top quality vehicle that we'd pay costs for, we'd feel confident enough.
(also hoping to get to Tatahatso Point and exploring along the north rim of the Little Colorado if that appeals)
