Hello from Tucson!


Mar 29, 2022
Hi! I have been around this forum for a long time to gain info on upcoming trips and have found it immensely helpful - so thank you all! Never joined until now, but I'm excited to be here as I have found park rangers increasingly unhelpful in the past few years and am hoping this forum can help me gain info that they are not always willing to. I venture almost exclusively into the desert, and I love backpacking and have also recently gotten into bike touring (not sure if this site contains much of that?) but regardless, I love wilderness and moved to Tucson a year and a half ago. Prior to that, I lived in Colorado and spent every waking second planning trips to southern Utah. During Covid it hit me: stop dreaming and just immerse yourself in the desert! Enter: Tucson. I love it here and have been completely in awe of how much the Sonoran desert has to offer. Of course I knew that coming in to this move, but it seems like every other day I discover a new mountain range (map enthusiast), learn the name of a new plant, or see a new animal for the first time (ring tail cat, hello!), and I couldn't be happier.
+1 more for Organ Pipe.
Chiricahua National Monument is also pretty awesome too.
Love to know where you found the ringtail (if it was a wild one).... that little critter has been on my want to see list for about a decade now.
+1 more for Organ Pipe.
Chiricahua National Monument is also pretty awesome too.
Love to know where you found the ringtail (if it was a wild one).... that little critter has been on my want to see list for about a decade now.
I was backpacking not far from the edge of town in the Catalinas. It was pitch black, heard something rustling around, shined my headlamp and there it was... little guy was soo curious. It watched me for maybe 5 minutes while jumping from rock to rock across a small wash 10-15 feet from me. I thought it was a coatimundi and then saw the tail - WOW! The tail was even bigger than I thought it'd be. but yeah, the ringtail was incredibly curious and didn't seem too bothered by us, which was funny because i've heard they're very elusive and hard to spot. i guess i just peed in the right place at the right time. very cool sighting.
Yet another March passes and I haven't gotten back to Blue Camp, etc., and seen those more 300 species of birds! Really need to get back there.

Glad you've found what you want in the other Arizona. Say hi to Cochise Stronghold for me,

Welcome! I'm a newbie like you, but I hope to become a good part of your community.

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