Hello from SLC


Jul 31, 2017
Since I spent 3-4 hours on here this morning I figured it was time to sign up. I live in SLC and spend most of my backcountry time in the Wind Rivers - 15 nights so far this year with a few more trips planned and a total of somewhere between 75-100 nights over the last several years. I have also spent a bit of time in Southern Utah (escalante, Zions, arches), the Northwest (north cascades, goat rocks, etc.) and central California (Yosemite, Mt. Whitney). I haven't been a big fan fan of the Uintahs but I'm hoping to become converted!

I'm a poor fisherman but it gives me something to do in the evenings and I can usually catch enough for dinner. As my two boys are getting older, my trips alternate between being their packmule and trying to recapture glory days with some buddies!

I'm looking forward to advice and tips and I'll weigh in where I can.