Hello from Northern Utah


Jul 16, 2018
Hi there,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I've been spending a fair amount of time on here reading on some of the threads, I felt like the content was good and informative so I decided to sign up!

I'm into car camping and general backcountry exploration. Actually the reason I first came upon this website was because I was reading up on the Uintas area and came across this post, and from there it just snowballed.

If I feel up to the task, I can post up some of my past trip reports later on.
Thank you for the warm welcome! I've posted up one of my recent outings, and as I piece together my memories I'll continue to add more.
Happy to have you!
Thanks for already posting a trip report. That has to be some sort of record haha. Cannot wait to read and see more :)
Haha yes, I guess I already had it handy so may as well post.

A lot of my trips are simply in the local mountains for 1 or 2 nights so not a lot to say about those, I’ll try and post about the more adventurous ones or longer trips.
Haha yes, I guess I already had it handy so may as well post.

A lot of my trips are simply in the local mountains for 1 or 2 nights so not a lot to say about those, I’ll try and post about the more adventurous ones or longer trips.

We like short trips, too!

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A lot of my trips are simply in the local mountains for 1 or 2 nights so not a lot to say about those, I’ll try and post about the more adventurous ones or longer trips.

I'd venture to guess that this is the type of trip that most of us do.
Welcome to the boards...

Definitely post... does not matter if it is a day trip or a week long one... they are all good adventures to read about!