Hello from Charm City


Feb 13, 2014
Looks like a nice site y'all have here! Hoping to find some insight and resources...

I've been backpacking for nearly 30 years; still a map & compass guy. Usually I'll be found backpacking in the mountains of West Virginia, or Western Maryland. Monongahela National Forest is my second home.
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Greetings spac3man. Welcome to BCP. This is a great site, excellent photographers, and a plethora of beta. I also spend enormous amount of time in Monongahela. Best area around Maryland. I was just skiing out there 2 or 3 weekends ago. I am a map and compass guy as well but wife is pushing me towards a GPS w/ Spot. She wants the body retrieved for insurance purposes:) What sports do you play?
Indeed, I found a McMurdo FastFind PLB at a good price, and there's no subscription service. This signal works through NOAA SAR, rather than a commercial co.

Backpacking/hiking is my main gig, but I also do a little bit of climbing & mountain biking. Unfortunately, work seems to eat up most of all that 'free' time. Where are you in Baltimore? I'm down in Fells Point...
I better start looking at GPSs. I need to educate myself on the pluses and minuses. I'll check out the models you posted.

Fells, I am on the westside Catonsville. I climb regularly at Earth Treks in Columbia, let me know if you need a partner. Also head down to the New River Gorge. I hike/backpack but mostly I bike. Some mnt bike (live near Patapsco) but mostly road bike. Everyday bike/train commuter. Since you live downtown have you ever taken part in the Baltimore Bike party. Awesome friendly time. I do a lot of bike advocacy as well.

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