Headless Valley- Film about traveling the Nahanni River


Life really is better Here
Apr 20, 2013
For a long time, running the Nahanni, seeing Virginia Falls, and the Unclimbables have been on my list.
My brother does not backpack, but he worked some years as a canoe guide and so canoe expeditions and rivers tickle his fancy. On and off for the last decade or so we have discussed doing some kind of trip, maybe even with our younger brother.

We were on the phone earlier this week and the discussion rekindled about maybe figuring out a brother's trip to the NWT or the Yukon since our kids are older. Maybe in the next 3-5 years before time catches up with us.

Well, youtube is eerily perceptive, because this showed up in my recommended list.
(I think I actually saw this years ago... but maybe, maybe not.)

To all who make biographical adventure movies... this is a classic. at 95 minutes, it is basically a feature film.
Mel and Ethel, holy crap, to do this and make a movie is awesome! I am in awe of more than just the film making, the running the river, the repair of the propeller, and also the strawberry shortcake. All described in a casual matter-of-factness.

Mel is witty and it is quite the tale. I thought maybe some of you might enjoy it.
I watched it, even though I really should have been doing something else! hahaha

Headless Valley, Mel and Ethel Ross -1958

Thanks for the share, I'll be sure to watch it. For anyone interested in the Nahanni, the book Dangerous River by R.M. Patterson is a Canadian classic. I first read it in my teens, and still have a well loved 1954 edition that I picked up in a used book store much later on, that I have revisited a couple of times since. I've yet to make it to the Nahanni, though.
Thanks for the share, I'll be sure to watch it. For anyone interested in the Nahanni, the book Dangerous River by R.M. Patterson is a Canadian classic. I first read it in my teens, and still have a well loved 1954 edition that I picked up in a used book store much later on, that I have revisited a couple of times since. I've yet to make it to the Nahanni, though.
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This just went on my list to read. Sounds fantastic.

The Nahanni has been on my pie in the sky list for a while. Fun to dream about, and I'd love to go up there someday.
Thanks for the reminder @SteveR. Read this book many years ago sitting in the back seat of my parents car on a road trip- funny how seeing that picture brought back so many memories! now I need to go find it and read it again!
I mentioned this once before, but this is an awesome book - Nehanni Trailhead:


The South Nahanni River of Canada's Northwest Territories has captivated canoeists and mountain adventurers for decades. Imagine flying 4,000 pounds of supplies into the Nahanni River Valley with plans to build a cabin on the shores of the legendary river and live there for a year -- on your honeymoon. That is what John and Joanne Moore did.

The author tells how they transported their provisions into the remote area and built their cabin on the South Nahanni River, an area cut off from the outside world by mountain ranges, its only highway the wild river that carves its way through cliffs a thousand feet high. Here the Moores lived for a year, and traveled by canoe, foot, snowshoe and ski in the isolated land they came to love. An engaging adventure story, this is also a blue-print for anyone wishing to make a wilderness -- living dream come true.

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