Havasu Wilderness and NWR, AZ. Nov 27, 2019 dayhike exploration

John Morrow

May 22, 2015
Little travelled area on the edge of the Mojave and Sonoran Desert transition. Wanted to see the area known as the Needles and Topoc Gorge. Devised a loop of three summits and wide canyons in order to get some views and an orientation of the region. Great place deserves more exploration. Wanted to get a feel for the place future explorations. Area may make more sense approached by canoe or pack raft. Began at the south end from the dirt road that leads to the radio tower on the map, known as Goat Hill. Wide, smooth, and frequent burro trails greatly aid travel. This area is neat and I will return. Crossing the river to the Chemehuevi Wilderness looks worthwhile as well. Only bummer is no backpacking in Havasu National Wildlife Refuge.

Into the Havasu National Wildlife Refuge and Wilderness
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Final ridge to Peak 1520';
by John Morrow, on Flickr

My next two: Peak 1652'; and 1665'; from 1520';
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Topoc Gorge
by John Morrow, on Flickr

water polished wash makes fun travel
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Heart of the Needles and Topoc Gorge
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Topoc Gorge
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Nice wash to return by.
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Looking back at all three summits from a great burro trail exit.
by John Morrow, on Flickr

Full album for route orientation:

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