Has anyone used a Hammock?

I just ordered an ENO RestNest hammock which i intend for backcountry use which i picked up for under $20 at Sierra Trading Post (price after 30% code discount). Once I get a chance to try it out, I will post about how it works for me.
It should be interesting to see how feasible it is in the desert (probably will take work to find a spot to hang), though in the pinyon/juniper benches, it should work great (though important to remember that juniper splits/breaks so easily).
I like the idea of not losing body heat to the ground. half the weight of my tent & saves the space & weight of a pad as well.
Previously, i have been bedding down in a bag on a tarp usually under a juniper if i can find one (the Juniper duff makes for great padding & also repels insects).
I love the Hennesy but have been to cheap to buy one.. I usually just use my skeeterbeeter when I want to hang.. but Hennesy's are comfyer :)

anyhow my tips on Hammock camping
1. Practice multiple ways of hanging your hammock before you get out there, it is surprising what you can hook them too with a little ingenuity.. heck even cracks in a rock work well with the implementation of a monkey fist or some climbing hardware :)
2. If it is going to be cold think about an under quilt to create some insulation between you and the air (air can suck out a lot of heat)..
3. a Quilt is a beautiful thing in a Hammock!.. a sleeping bag can be a hassle.
I have a Warbonnet Blackbird from Warbonnetoutdoors.com. Most comfortable sleep outdoors yet. I came around to hammocks after looking extensively at 1p tents.

I love the flexibility of being able to set up anywhere there are two trees. Not having to worry about rocks underneath you is a revelation.

I use a down top quilt and a down under quilt along with a decent sized tarp. A very flexible system. When it rains I can set the tarp in porch mode and hang out and watch while staying dry. With a tent I'd be stuck inside for the duration, or get wet.

That being said there are still reasons I like and use tents. But for solo camping in the woods you can't beat a hammock.
I have a hammock setup but have rarely used it. I bring it to hang in when I car camp. I echo what DOSS listed above about needing and underquilt or some type of insulation from below. You will get cold really quick in even 50-60 degree weather if you don't have insulation on the bottom side of the hammock.
Cody did a hammock for the Highline trail. Heck, I think it might have been that Hennessy Hammock. Maybe he has some thoughts to share...

I was most interested in a Hennessy Hammock but couldn't afford one so I decided to take matters into my hands and built one, actually two. The first one was a side entry with netting and a zipper entry, and the second is a bottom entry with no zipper. I find the hammock to be very comfortable for sleeping but can get cold with no insulation in the bottom. I hope to continue with the hammock at some point due to the light weight (less than 2 lbs. and the comfort). However, I have found them to be impractical when trying to camp with small children. I have not been able to find a way to sleep next to another person in a hammock. Until may boys are old enough to sleep on their own in the great outdoors I'm going to have to stick with a tent.
Cody did a hammock for the Highline trail. Heck, I think it might have been that Hennessy Hammock. Maybe he has some thoughts to share...
I tried out a Hennessy on the Highline Trail last month. Liked it, but didn't get a good weather test out of that trip. I feel confident about it though. Can be used as a ground tent as well if trees are not around.
I received an ENO Reactor as a gift last spring but haven't used it. The Reactor's main feature is a sleeve for a pad/insulation layer but the early designs were flawed. I still need to send it back for an RMA.
Any of you hammock users a side sleeper? I've always wanted to try a hammock, but didn't want to fork out the $$ for one and end up not being able to use it as I'm a side sleeper...
I know you guys are talking about hammocks as shelters, but I thought I'd chime in on my limited hammock experience. I bought a Grand Truck Nano 7 hammock a year ago and I love taking it on my backcountry trips. It's definitely a luxury item as it weighs almost pound when combined with the sling kit, but it's so comfy to chill in - and I think it's good to have your feet up after a long day. Sometimes I'll take it in place of my crazy creek (yes, another luxury item). I have found that it gets chilly when hanging out in the hammock...especially underneath and especially when it's breezy, in a shady area, or near cool moving water. I often end up pulling out my sleeping bag and sometimes my pad to keep warm while chilling/reading/napping. I was going to try sleeping overnight in it back in June (Ostler Lake) but it got way too cold and windy that night (it dropped well below freezing and we had 1/2 full nalgenes frozen solid).

Do those of you who use hammocks as shelters stay warm enough? I assume a pad is necessary (or a quilt as has been mentioned several times).
I have been using the Enos Double Nest and loving it. I keep it in my day pack and use it as a place to kick it with the wife on long day hikes. Sleeping in it is still kinda sketchy to me, I feel like a nice meal hanging right in that face of bears. I have been thinking about putting it up higher in the tree so I feel more secure. I haven't had any issues with coldness but I am sure you would if you were using it in colder weather.

On a side note, some webbing and a bowline work just as good or better then the slap straps they try to sell you when you by the doublenest. Also alot cheeper.
Any of you hammock users a side sleeper? I've always wanted to try a hammock, but didn't want to fork out the $$ for one and end up not being able to use it as I'm a side sleeper...

I am also a size sleeper. But, in the hammock I'm more of a 3/4 sleeper. Not fully on my side but not on my back either. It works real well and is quite comfortable.

With my down underquilt and down quilt (both rated for 20°) I've been comfortable to about 50°. Haven't tried going lower yet but I know some who have been below 0° in theirs. All depends on your setup.

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