Greetings From SLC


May 7, 2012
Hi All, I'm a noob here as far as postings, but been browsing the forums for a couple years now. Some great reports and good community here so figured it was time to start chatting! From SLC, UT and been visiting the desert and southern Utah area for my whole life. It's truly my biggest passion, getting out camping & exploring. I try to get out as much as I can, though having a one year old has kept the trips a little at bay recently :) Hoping to make it out at least once a month this spring/summer & fall and will try to get some trip reports up soon! Cheers
Hoping to make it out at least once a month this spring/summer & fall and will try to get some trip reports up soon! Cheers

Welcome! That's a great goal. Looking forward to your trip reports.
Welcome! Looking forward to hearing about your trips!

Thanks Nick, been following your posts closely, great stuff! Love the thread about Survivorman's faked Utah desert episode. What a bummer! I was a fan of his initially, until I read that.

Welcome! That's a great goal. Looking forward to your trip reports.

Thanks Steve, also been following your trip reports and off road excursions. Really cool. I'm a fellow Tacoma World member also, love your truck!