Green River Recon

Definitely a double standard.....
Pretty shocked at the big corporate sponsors as well.
Scumbag Bicyclists...

As a Cyclist as well someone who uses motorized transport I don't see the double standard. There are dumbasses in every group. There are people in cars that run red lights all of the time, Speed, don't use turn signals and people in bikes that do the same. Also note that in some areas a bike is not required to stop for red lights. That said people often ignore rules and don't think that they apply to them. No reason to go off on "cyclists" or "ATV" riders how about we just go off on dumbassery?
The double standard I as referring to was the large sponsors promoting off trail riding. I never seen a Polaris or Yamaha sponsored film that promotes going into trail-less areas to rip shit up.

No reason to go off on "cyclists" or "ATV" riders

Just in case it matters I much more of a cyclist than an ATV rider.
The double standard I as referring to was the large sponsors promoting off trail riding. I never seen a Polaris or Yamaha sponsored film that promotes going into trail-less areas to rip shit up.

Just in case it matters I much more of a cyclist than an ATV rider.

I don't see the double standard as there are people such as the staff of dirt kings magazine (many of whom are sponsored) doing articles like burning vespas in the desert.. I wonder if there is a the possibility that they got permits to do this.. $$ talks unfortunately... Not that I agree that it should be done... but at the same point this article does fail to bring the world on leave no trace to its readers... and is probably just another piece of ammunition for the no mechanized lands people such as SUWA to use against those who like gears and tires.
Bikers, snowmobilers, skiers, snowboarders, hikers, crawlers, off roaders, on roaders, canoers, kayakers, photographers (especially), tricyclists, et al, they are all SCUMBAGS!

BTW I do not miss the political, us vs them, bikes vs 4x4 discussions found on other forums. It gets old quick and nothing ever comes of it.
And for god's sake let's keep ignorant simplistic comments about SUWA out of it.
Keep your politics to yourself!


Bikers, snowmobilers, skiers, snowboarders, hikers, crawlers, off roaders, on roaders, canoers, kayakers, photographers (especially), tricyclists, et al, they are all SCUMBAGS!

BTW I do not miss the political, us vs them, bikes vs 4x4 discussions found on other forums. It gets old quick and nothing ever comes of it.
And for god's sake let's keep ignorant simplistic comments about SUWA out of it.
Keep your politics to yourself!



gnwatts If you want to throw out insults such as "keep your ignorant simplistic comments about SUWA out of it" you are part of the politics that you so want people to keep to themselves (if you can't keep yours to yourself why should they?). I did not insult you, I pointed out that groups like SUWA use peoples stupidity to advocate their anti mechanized policy's, This is a fact. I would suggest that you do not insult people who have different views than your own if you want to attempt to take the moral high ground on this subject.
I enjoy discussing the backcounrty with people, as that can be an important middle ground where people can come together. Left, right or center. I'll say it again, keep politics out of these discussions please. Your mentioning of a political organization was inappropriate.
Sorry Nick.

Ex Scumbag
I enjoy discussing the backcounrty with people, as that can be an important middle ground where people can come together. Left, right or center. I'll say it again, keep politics out of these discussions please. Your mentioning of a political organization was inappropriate.
Sorry Nick.

Ex Scumbag

I am glad that you feel that you get to insult people and choose what is and what is not inappropriate :). I wish you well in your endeavors
Well now that that's over with, I'd just like to say these guys riding their bikes all over the crypto and other delicate landscapes are complete asshats and I'm looking forward to charges being filed. Regardless of whether it's a pedal bike or a motorbike, Labryinth Canyon is a Wilderness Study Area, right??? Hell, even if it wasn't wilderness, it's not cool to be thrashing the unmarked lanscape like that, even by foot...