Grandeur Peak, The West Slope Approach - October 31, 2020


Dec 23, 2013
I drug my lazy you know what out of bed this morning to head up Grandeur Peak via the west slope.

Early morning shot of Mount Olympus, with the evil tree, from just above the Grandeur Peak Trailhead. I'm sure that @Miya is up
there beating that tree with a stick at this very moment. :)

This guy is competing in the Cirque Series, and they were heading up Grandeur Peak as many
times as they could up until midnight. Damn that's impressive! Okay @Rockskipper, I'm going to
need a vial of testosterone when you send me that Bigfoot Spray so that I can keep up with these
young folk. And this time don't send it by Pony Express, I'm going to need it before midnight!

The Scatwoman decided to give it a go.

Early morning shot of Grandeur Peak. The trail follows the ridge up to the knob on the left,and then across the ridge to the high
point on the right side of the image.

Sunlight hitting Parley's Ridge to the north

Some of the rock formations on the ridge to the south of the West Slope Trail

A little bit of snow left over from our last storm

Two silhouettes on the ridge to our north. This is the way we would come down.

Scatwoman, with the shadow of Grandeur behind her falling on the south side of Parley's Ridge

Lookout Peak, just over Parley's Ridge, in the far distance

Grandview Peak comes into view

This guy came right over the top of me. If I had been more aware, I could have gotten a better shot of him.

Trick or Treat? The Great Pumpkin Exists! I believe! :eek:

View east form the summit of Grandeur, looking towards Church Fork Peak and Mount Aire along the Millcreek Ridge

Since when has there been a yurt on top of Church Fork Peak? @regehr @LarryBoy @Ugly - know anything about this?

2.3 miles as the crow flies.

And here we have ............................................

Thought I'd try to impress those competing in the Cirque Series by taking a bite of my kettle bell. :D All I got were very peculiar

Grandview through the eye of a kettle bell. That's about the extent of my creativity.

heading back down. We took the ridge line just to the right (north) of center

Parley's Ridge across Parley's Canyon

The only fall colors left along the trail that I could see.

The Cirque Series canopy. They had some pancakes ready to eat. I was awfully tempted. :scatman:

Well, it was a great weekend here in Salt Lake to be out hiking. It sounds like a cool front with a chance of precipitation might be moving in for next weekend.


I'll be celebrating today's hike along with Halloween tonight with a pumpkin porter from EPIC Brewing. :thumbsup: Happy Halloween everybody!
I don't know anything about the yurt! That looks like a fun beer and an excellent hike!
Nice Hike. I will have to do Grandeur again once the snow flies. That approach from the west is a good calf burner.

For the yurt, never seen it. There is some private land and stuff north of there, but this looks like it is on the south side. Maybe someone now is telecommuting from Church Fork and teleskiing in the winter.
Nice Hike. I will have to do Grandeur again once the snow flies. That approach from the west is a good calf burner.

For the yurt, never seen it. There is some private land and stuff north of there, but this looks like it is on the south side. Maybe someone now is telecommuting from Church Fork and teleskiing in the winter.

I knew there was private land in the vicinity. I'll have to plan a hike and go check it out.