Grand Staircase


May 19, 2012
To quote the wise words of the estimable @Artemus:

"In respect of our BCP site's informal and consensus tendency to stay polite and to avoid politics and divisive rhetoric I will not attempt to persuade you what is the correct approach with respect to our public lands."

So, to that end.......

It has been a long time since I have been in the Escalante area, as I have moved east into the Bears Ears neck of the woods. This is a shot that was taken on my 1st foray into the area, in the spring of 1979. After the consumption of a certain amount of whiskey at the parking area at Harris Wash, we took a wrong turn in the dark and missed the entrance to the wash completely. So we dry camped, and headed in the general direction of the Ecalante, which we came upon quite suddenly, luckily, because we were a little hung over and out of water. It was a watershed moment for me.

Escalante overlook 3-2.jpg
ways down to get water.......... will be my only comment !?
Comment away Bob, just be nice.

We were lucky. We found a ledge about 1/2 mile up river from this pic. We lowered our packs down an 8' drop and crawled down to the river.

My trip report from 2013:

Comment away Bob, just be nice.

We were lucky. We found a ledge about 1/2 mile up river from this pic. We lowered our packs down an 8' drop and crawled down to the river.

My trip report from 2013:

Long trip in that Fiat....
It did not like Hole in the Rock Road.