Grand Gulch last-minute questions


Mar 1, 2015
I'm taking my son out for a four-day trip this weekend and we were originally planning on heading to the Maze but it's looking too hot for the trip we had in mind. So I'm thinking of changing plans at the last minute to do part of Grand Gulch instead; when we did Kane-to-Bullet a handful of years ago, I remember it being relatively cool in Grand Gulch itself even in the high temps because we would walk in the stream off and on throughout the day. So I'm considering the next section (Bullet to Government), and had a few last-minute questions:
  1. Is there consistently water in Grand Gulch from the Bullet junction to the Government TH? (to walk in and cool off in, not necessarily to drink)
  2. I'm assuming the springs in the side canyons should be good this year? In my quick internet search, it seems like there's likely good water to drink near the Polly's junction and in Green House Canyon, Step Canyon, and Dripping Canyon? (although for some of these, you may have to go a little upcanyon from GG to find the water) Any other tips on reliable water sources are appreciated.
  3. Is there good campsite availability in the vicinity of Step Canyon or Dripping Canyon (near Grand Gulch)? If so, we'll plan on camping there the 2nd night (1st night will be near Bullet/GG junction or near Perfect Kiva/Jailhouse; 3rd night near Polly's junction).
  4. Should I expect bugs to be bad down there right now? If they may be bad, I'll probably bring the full tent; otherwise, I'll stick with the more minimalist (but more flexible and light) bivies/tarp.
Any other tips or must-see sites down there are also greatly appreciated!

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Bullet to Government has always been the driest section of Grand Gulch when I've been in there. We've always had a little trouble finding water to drink in that section and have had to go up side canyons to get some from small springs. I wouldn't count on finding water to cool off in. But then again, it was a wet winter and maybe things will be different this spring?
I cannot imagine having problems this year with water, but these are strange times.
In Bullet Canyon there is a spectacular campspot at Jailhouse, facing the ruin follow the cliff face to the right and climb a short distance along the wall to a huge cave/overhang. You won't regret camping here, especially in the rain.
There is a beautiful pool in Green Canyon down from Bullet, and water in Cow Tank further down. The Polly's Island/Canyon area is worthy of exploration, should have plenty of water in Polly's. If you have the time, Polly's Canyon is worth exploring, it has some nice ruins, and don't forget to explore around Polly's Island.
I was along the Green River last week and we had no bugs. It was cold though.
Have fun!
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Bullet to Government has always been the driest section of Grand Gulch when I've been in there. We've always had a little trouble finding water to drink in that section and have had to go up side canyons to get some from small springs. I wouldn't count on finding water to cool off in. But then again, it was a wet winter and maybe things will be different this spring?
That's good to know. I'm not as worried about the springs for drinking water, based on the wet winter; I'm more worried about the water in Grand Gulch itself to cool off in. I just called the ranger station and they confirmed that the regular springs/water sources should be good, but they were more wishy-washy about the water (to cool off in) in Grand Gulch itself (which echoes what you said). I still think we'll probably head there, since I figure it's a 50/50 chance of being cool, verses a very slim chance for the Maze (plus it's a much shorter last day, which will be the hottest),
I cannot imagine having problems this year with water, but these are strange times.
In Bullet Canyon there is a spectacular campspot at Jailhouse, facing the ruin follow the cliff face to the right and climb a short distance along the wall to a huge cave/overhang. You won't regret camping here, especially in the rain.
There is a beautiful pool in Green Canyon down from Bullet, and water in Cow Tank further down. The Polly's Island/Canyon area is worthy of exploration, should have plenty of water in Polly's. If you have the time, Polly's Canyon is worth exploring, it has some nice ruins, and don't forget to explore around Polly's Island.
I was along the Green River last week and we had no bugs. It was cold though.
Have fun!
Thanks for the info! I was already planning on trying to find that campsite near Jailhouse, based on a trip report of yours--if I were going by myself, I would probably try to cut directly down to that from the Sheiks trailhead like you did, but since I'm taking my son I'll probably stick to the more established route down Bullet. You said in your TR that there is an intermittent spring right below that campsite; would you guess that there is water there now?
Probably a good idea, there is some exposure. There was a small spring down below the edge of the cave, and it was enough to fill a pot or to filter. I have no idea if it is still there. Jailhouse Spring is not far, but it always smelled a little nasty to me.
You said in your TR that there is an intermittent spring right below that campsite; would you guess that there is water there now?
Look at the link that @TrailScot posted. It includes a link to a regularly updated pdf on GG spring/water conditions.
Thanks all for the info. We had a great time this last weekend. There was indeed consistent water in GG itself (to cool off in) all the way from the Bullet junction to Polly's, so it was a perfect choice for the hot weather. The Bullet Junction Spring had okay water, Green House Canyon had pretty good water, Step Canyon had okay water (a little better as you went further up the canyon), Cow Tank Spring had okay water, the first 1/3 mile or so of Dripping Canyon was bone dry and we thought it was also a boring/unimpressive canyon compared to the others so we didn't go further up that canyon. The water in Polly's Canyon was actually pretty bad (at least for the first 1/3 mile or so), so we ended up just filtering from GG itself before heading out Government. Surprisingly, Bullet Canyon itself had the best water, with good clear pools/springs for much of the canyon (but we didn't need any since that was right at the beginning of the trip).

It took us some time to find the Government Trail on the way out, as it didn't seem to be where the maps said it should be (did they re-route it slightly at some point?) Overall it was a great trip though. We camped at the spot recommended by @gnwatts on the first night, and it was indeed awesome. The 2nd night we had an equally awesome campsite on a high slickrock bench up Step Canyon a ways. I think this trip converted us to dry camping; in the past, I've usually camped near water, but there are several undeniable advantages to hauling some water a ways (more privacy, no bugs, much less chance of critters getting into food, etc.).
Glad you had a great time!

From my recollection of a few years ago, the Government Trail exit isn't the easiest to spot from Grand Gulch. I took the trail in, so I knew where to look, but it's pretty much across from Polly's Island, which the Trails Illustrated Map correctly shows. I guess it's not great, given its scale, as it shows it more towards the northern part of the island and it's more in the middle. Caltopo seems to have gotten it more correct based on my memory. Perhaps it's changed in the last two years or so?
It is a little tricky to spot. The thing to remember is that the Govt. Trail starts further down canyon than you think, and has a long traverse back up canyon. @RyanP was the custom made rock dining table still there?
It is a little tricky to spot. The thing to remember is that the Govt. Trail starts further down canyon than you think, and has a long traverse back up canyon. @RyanP was the custom made rock dining table still there?
There was a nice rock slab as well as a nice log bench... Not sure if that's what you're referring to or not. Here's a photo:
From 2013. There was a small stone slab table with benches.
In your pic the table might be the slab on the ground.

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