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- Feb 15, 2013
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Was not sure whether this should go "On the Water" forum or in the canyoneering section, as the trip was a hybrid between the two. I was given an invite to join a 30 day private trip with some old adventure partners and several folks I had not met before. I gladly accepted. I entered on the trips 9th day, hiking in to Phantom Ranch area via a fine canyon called Garden and left the trip 16 days later at Diamond Creek. I wrote up Garden as sort of a story, but most of the collection is some commentary and pictures. A long post with a lot of picture. Hope you enjoy.
The day had arrived. I was to join a Grand Canyon rafting-canyoneering hybrid trip. I had been on the first of these, 5 years earlier. After a day of scrambling in the Arches area, I met Hank at the outfitters, in Flagstaff. We were to hike down to Phantom Ranch the next day, from the South Rim. The trip had started at Lee's Ferry 9 days before. Hank and I were on board for 16 days in the middle
We drove from Flag to the South Rim, in Dan and Lindsey's van and camped on National Forest land. We were set up well in the lap of luxury, by our friends. Good thing too as the temperature was 21 degree's that morning. We met Chris P. and Bill who were also joining the trip. I invited Sara and Chris G. to join us for the day. Somehow we missed connections with Sara, but Chris joined us for the canyon and hiked out the same day. His skill was helpful, as many on the river trip, while first rate backpackers and hikers, were not always experienced with technical canyons, let alone C rated (flowing water) canyons. He made several new friends on the day and I suspect he will find his way onto exploration trips in the canyon, in the future, with the prime Grand Canyon exploration group.
Those leaving the trip, along with most of the folks staying on the trip, hiked up from the river to the top of the canyon, where our small group, met them coming down from the rim, before 10 AM. We had about 12 folks and split into two groups for the canyon. Hank, just on the trip for 3 hours was immediately promoted to leader of one of the groups.
It turned out, that water was quite high and 'pushed" us around a bit. It took most of the day to make the descent. When it was over, Chris G. headed up, a few folks along went off on their own cross country trip, inside the canyon and us folks new to the trip, tried to integrate into the new routines....which was to hike down to the river, join a boat and ride through Horn Rapid, one of the canyon's larger rapids. Then to camp for our first night and help as we could with meal preparations.
So many routines to grasp. So many new names to place with faces. For the next 15 days, I would have no contact with the outside world, privileged to join one of the premiere adventures in the world, with its most adventurous practitioners. Pictures?
Tame elk on the rim

Hank and Chris G.

Long way down

Bandito Dan Ransom, sad to be headed out

Rich Rudow...superstar

Rickie Dee

Bill Church, plying his trade

Can you see Rich manning the anchor up and left of the rapper?

Chris F.


Chris P

Bill with the sharp eye

Down to the river

Dale, the permit holder. Thanks Dale

Felicia and I beg onto Rickie Dee's boat....decades a rafting guide

DNally and the P brothers

Sun going down

Horn Rapid (corrected)...game on

The full album of pictures?
The day had arrived. I was to join a Grand Canyon rafting-canyoneering hybrid trip. I had been on the first of these, 5 years earlier. After a day of scrambling in the Arches area, I met Hank at the outfitters, in Flagstaff. We were to hike down to Phantom Ranch the next day, from the South Rim. The trip had started at Lee's Ferry 9 days before. Hank and I were on board for 16 days in the middle
We drove from Flag to the South Rim, in Dan and Lindsey's van and camped on National Forest land. We were set up well in the lap of luxury, by our friends. Good thing too as the temperature was 21 degree's that morning. We met Chris P. and Bill who were also joining the trip. I invited Sara and Chris G. to join us for the day. Somehow we missed connections with Sara, but Chris joined us for the canyon and hiked out the same day. His skill was helpful, as many on the river trip, while first rate backpackers and hikers, were not always experienced with technical canyons, let alone C rated (flowing water) canyons. He made several new friends on the day and I suspect he will find his way onto exploration trips in the canyon, in the future, with the prime Grand Canyon exploration group.
Those leaving the trip, along with most of the folks staying on the trip, hiked up from the river to the top of the canyon, where our small group, met them coming down from the rim, before 10 AM. We had about 12 folks and split into two groups for the canyon. Hank, just on the trip for 3 hours was immediately promoted to leader of one of the groups.
It turned out, that water was quite high and 'pushed" us around a bit. It took most of the day to make the descent. When it was over, Chris G. headed up, a few folks along went off on their own cross country trip, inside the canyon and us folks new to the trip, tried to integrate into the new routines....which was to hike down to the river, join a boat and ride through Horn Rapid, one of the canyon's larger rapids. Then to camp for our first night and help as we could with meal preparations.
So many routines to grasp. So many new names to place with faces. For the next 15 days, I would have no contact with the outside world, privileged to join one of the premiere adventures in the world, with its most adventurous practitioners. Pictures?
Tame elk on the rim
Hank and Chris G.
Long way down
Bandito Dan Ransom, sad to be headed out
Rich Rudow...superstar
Rickie Dee
Bill Church, plying his trade
Can you see Rich manning the anchor up and left of the rapper?
Chris F.
Chris P
Bill with the sharp eye
Down to the river
Dale, the permit holder. Thanks Dale
Felicia and I beg onto Rickie Dee's boat....decades a rafting guide
DNally and the P brothers
Sun going down
Horn Rapid (corrected)...game on
The full album of pictures?
- Now for the hike up Trinity and the river, including a flip in Crystal Rapid
Reflection in a pothole....liquid gold
The full album
A very long day, to do two short Tapeats slots. Life in the Grand...It better be "about the journey" too!
The rest of the pictures
Shinumu Creek and Elves Chasm day
The rest of the picts
- Randy's Rock, my favorite camp, sheltered us from the only rain on my 16 day part of the trip. Rather than rain, one could call it some sprinkles. The boats needed hauling back into the water, as they were high and dry. Lift, pour water under and push/slide down the sand. Some white water followed. The loop up Tapeats Creek to the Thunder River, over Surprise Valley and down to Deer Creek was all new, except the last 3/4 of a mile. A lovely camp at Deer Creek rounded out a full day
Boats to the water
In the Grand canyon, they call this a trail
Now in Deer Creek
The full album of pictures from this section
We woke to some light dew, the only time on my part of the trip. Rode the boats down to Olo Canyon, where some climbed the 5th class pitch and a 1.5 to 1 haul system was set up to get the rest of the folks up. Something similar for the 2nd drop was used. This allowed access to the beautiful Mauv section. There is a great Temple Butte section above, for those that do the whole canyon from the top, which is a bit of an expedition. Later, we rode the short distance to the Matkat hotel.
The Boss Applesauce
Next installment
Panameta Canyon is one of the gems of Grand Canyon. It is an expedition from the rim, taking several days minimum. From the river, it can be a very long and physical day trip, involving jumbled boulders, miles on the bench in the sun and a substantial exit, to experience, the polished, cold heart of this beautiful canyon. Rick Demerest is an extraordinary fella. An owner of a river rafting company for I think it was 35 years, he had turned back from Panameta, having run out of time, in 2011. So it remained on his radar and last month was his opportunity for a return engagement. So, Rickee D., a week short of his 72nd birthday styled the long day and now has the canyon securely in his memories. A remarkable accomplishment for anyone....but 72? REALLY? KUDOS!!!
Up thew hill from camp early AM
Up Matkat Canyon
Burro couple on the bench. heard they mate for life? True or rumor?
Dinner. With their numbers, the place is being stripped
Rickie and Rich...in the goods
Hey Rick! ....Yeah?....Click
Smiling Chris
Patterns of rock intrigue me
Almost home...finished by headlamp
The rest of the album
After the long day in Panameta, the group had a short river run to 150 Mile Canyon. 150 is about the longest slot in Grand Canyon, with great Redwall, Temple Butte and Mauv narrows all. But I had been up the slot 3 times and down it twice, so it was the logical day for me to do some recovery. I slept on the boat for hours. Then I wandered the beach, watched Upset Rapid for a time and went to the mouth of 15O Mile canyon when I heard the voices of my partners coming down. Then it was down to the Upper Ledges Camp, which was a very beautiful and aesthetic camp indeed.
After i woke I did my only video...Upset Rapid. Hope you can access it
Moss coated rock in the tidal pool
The end of 150 Mile
For 10 minutes about 1:15 PM the sun shone into the slot
Then some folks came down the way up
Others came down the slot...saying the bottom of this downclimb was quite hairy
Down the polished drop
And happy about it
Back on the river
To the Ledges Camp
Stuff on the boats....stuff off the boats....stuff, stuff, stuff
Folks passing through
dinner time
Fire reflection off water fluted Mauv rock
Rest of the album
The next day, we hit the river and stopped at a canyon called Paradise. Some stayed and saw all 4 falls. Most saw 1 falls and got back on the river to Havasu. I wanted to make it up to the Falls, the pictures I have seen for half a century, but alas, I would have been an hour late for the deadline. As much as I wanted to go, I didn't want to be "that guy" more. I made it up a bunch of miles to some nice spots, but then turned around
leaving Ledges
The rest of the album
I did Rocky Point Canyon 5 years ago. Time for a return engagement. A lovely 5 rap thing in polished Redwall limestone. What was unusual about the day was.....it didn't take all day. Just about all of it, but not all. I started long before the others...some exposed bypass moves got the blood flowing. Trailed everyone across the bench to the canyon head. Strolled home with Rickie Dee telling those type of stories.....the ones about your history, that bonds a friendship deeper.
Lovely approach via Tuckup Canyon
The texture of Mauv
Peter thru the rabbit hole ;-)
Conglomerate Bridge
Mr. Church....In the canyon
Big Al
Mr. Dee
Rest of the album
How do you know something is beautiful? I say...You know it when you see it. The technical section was short. The approach long and fortunately, the post tech section, a wonderful section, proved lovely, making the day a huge success. Also watching Mr. Rudow do a canyon that he had not done? Priceless! The canyon is called Micrometa
Rare sighting
Find Waldo
Soaking a sliver of sun
The rest of the album here
Next? Woke up in National Camp. Floated to a canyon called Fern Glen. The group went up. I stayed on the paco pad on the boat, exhausted from yesterday's efforts. Hank took my camera and snapped off some shots for me....and now you, so we can see what it looks like. later in the day....Lava Falls. Al in the pack raft got to swim. Others stayed upright. A lovely day
Dale...ready to go
More liquid gold
Fern Glen...thanks Hank
Awesome shot Hank
Where they found me
On a past trip, Denali Mike climbed up there, I am told
We are first thru Lava, Rickie styling it, as far as I can tell. From here we watch others
Al??? Where is your boat?
There it is
Pete says he will get it...when he isn't so busy
Back in the saddle again
Safe landing. Alive below Lava (ABL)
Rest of the album
First the heat...some of us would hide up canyon and nap in the PM. Then the wind. More hiding. But more important, start early and row hard....finish early as the PM winds tend to be stronger. Then there is time for other diversions, so common on the river, but unusual for time to be found for such things as horseshoes, for this crew.
Tents hard to erect in the gale
Rest of the album
Ram, Yesterday at 12:04 PM Edit Report
I hope you have enjoyed the pictures as much as I have sharing them. Thanks to Dale and crew for having me along. Pretty amazing place, huh? And these albums represent just 15 of the 30 day trip!! Double your pleasure for many of the folks featured in the albums.
The last album includes Surprise Canyon followed by some river travel, a last night in the canyon and being dropped off at Diamond Creek
Transition instructions and a poem
The last mile for me
The rest of the album
Hope you enjoyed....