Got smoke?


Mar 10, 2016
Here in Washington its palpable throughout the Olympics & Cascades. Anybody know conditions in the Beartooths, or Winds/Gros Ventre/Washakie? Or Sawtooths/White Clouds in Idaho? Trying to stay NW, Sierra or southern Cascades wouldn't be bad silver medals though.
I find that local webcams for a region can be helpful. NASA also has sat smoke maps, but I don't have the link. has sat photos, too, probably from NASA.
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Everywhere looks like it'll be smoky to some degree. However, the worst areas seem to be Montana and the Pacific NW. The Winds look the least smoky on EOSDIS Worldview. You should take a look on there. Very helpful resource.
Thanks guys. I've read ID & MT smoke reports/alerts. None of it sounds good. Beartooths seem like they may be ok, but fishing for some 1st hand info never hurts. Cooke City webcam looks ok, but hard to really tell. Is that haze/smoke? Or just low quality video. Gonna contact ranger districts tomorrow as well, see if they have any backcountry info. Winds may be my best bet. There's probably something worth seeing in there.
Can't speak for the Beartooths/East of the Divide, but Western Montana has been very smoky the past few weeks. Some parts of the state have even had Hazardous air quality reports. You can track the air quality here: