GoPro HERO 3 - 1080p60 and 720p120


Feb 24, 2012
GoPro just posted on it's facebook it's announcing a new Hero tonight, the Hero3. Official release is at midnight PST.

First glance and it looks SICK.


Hey, GoPro fans — and by that I mean everyone who reads this site — prepare to be blown away. A couple months ago I had lunch with some friends at GoPro and when I asked them what cool stuff was in the pipeline, they wouldn’t say a peep…but they smirked like the cat that ate the canary. And now I know why: The leading hand’s-free camera maker just announced the HERO3 Black, which is 30 percent smaller, 25 percent lighter, and twice as powerful as the current state of the art model.

Resolutions are whoppingly higher, too: 2.7 at 30 frames per second, 1080p at 60 fps, 1440p at 48, and 720p at 120. How sick is that?
We’ll provide the full story after GoPro lifts the curtain at midnight PST.
About a month ago:

Nick: "Honey, I want to buy a GoPro. Please, please, please, pleeeeeeeease"
Audra: "You're sure there isn't a better one coming? I know how you are about having the latest, greatest"
Nick: "No chance, they just updated it not that long ago"

Looks sick indeed. Would be awesome if they have an upgrade program for those who purchased the Hero 2...

4K video from that tiny camera is crazy and slow motion sequences are going to be awesome at 720p, plus built in wi-fi... The list goes on...
can you think of any practical application of 4k at 15fps? seems very odd to me...
can you think of any practical application of 4k at 15fps? seems very odd to me...

Not really. I think that it's more of a flex your muscles feature... This is the first compact video camera that I know of that boasts that feature. How much 4k video can you even get on a 64GB microSD card??? Like 30 seconds...???
Not really. I think that it's more of a flex your muscles feature... This is the first compact video camera that I know of that boasts that feature. How much 4k video can you even get on a 64GB microSD card??? Like 30 seconds...???
ha. depends on the compression. 4k is about 4 times as much data as 1080p, more or less.

4k would be awesome if it was even 24fps. but yeah, 15 or 12fps is pretty unusable except for some special circumstances.

still, awesome camera.
I'm mostly pumped for the lowlight capabilities. My Hero and Hero2 are terrible in slot canyons so I'm hoping that it will preform better
man does it look amazing.. Like Nick, I picked up a hero2 about a month ago. Didn't even think there'd be a new on out so soon otherwise I would have waited. Oh well, I've been pretty happy with my 2 anyways.
Does anyone know if the iOS app allows one to set manual controls for ISO and exposure? Using GoPros for time lapses or even video in high dynamic range scenarios would be a lot more alluring if advanced controls were available.
Does anyone have one of these yet? Last Feb when Kodak announced that they were out of the camera business they started dumping all of their cameras. At that time I picked up a ZX5 cheap and bought a separate, WA lens to attach via step down ring. It has done OK, but I have been wanting a GoPro for a while now and can't quite figure out what I need to go for. I think I would just pick up a used Hero 2 were it not for the complaints about needing a different housing for underwater. I want to shoot above and under water vid seamlessly; for example while floating the South Fork and bringing in some cuts. I'm not sure what benefit the Wifi gives me. The BLACK is certainly pricey!
you can get the flat housing for the Hero2 if you want. possible there will be some great deals on the Hero2 in the near future.

the hero3 isn't available for a few more weeks.
you can get the flat housing for the Hero2 if you want......

Does the Hero 2 flat housing work well out of the water? In other words; if I decide that it is worth it to get a hero 2 AND spend the xtra $50 on a flat housing for under water, is it just good for under water or is it also great for above water at the same time?

It probably doesn't matter, though the Hero2 has dropped $50 or so recently it is still $300 to get one AND the flat housing and it ends up making the lower two models of the Hero3 quite appealing.
it's good for both above and below water, it's virtually the same as the housing on the new hero3.

i bet you can find a used hero2 for 100 bucks in the near future. lots of folks will be upgrading i think.
Dang you people. I've managed to avoid this thread for a month, and now that I've about decided on which mirrorless camera I'm going to buy, I got weak and looked at this thread. I'm going to be broke...
Overwerk, the artist responsible for the insanely catchy tune in that latest Hero 3 video, just released his second album. I wouldn't normally promote that, but he's offering it up at whatever price you want to pay, free if you want. I always end up paying more than it's worth I would have otherwise when artists do that kind of thing. Anyway, there's some pretty decent stuff in there and the full album download includes some good snippets for ringtones. Check it out.

<iframe width="300" height="410" style="position: relative; display: block; width: 300px; height: 410px;" src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"><a href="">After Hours by OVERWERK</a></iframe>

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