Google Launches Street View For Hiking Trails


Jan 17, 2012


Google’s quest to create the perfect map has reached a new milestone. Using a backpack-mounted multilens camera setup, Google employees can now record places and routes only reachable by foot (or ski). The Android-powered device weighs 40 pounds and holds 15 cameras, a hard drive and enough battery power for a full day of exploration.
After Google’s indoor maps for navigating large interior spaces and Street View for the Amazon and landmarks, perhaps this was inevitable. It certainly democratizes outdoor spaces to an extent, allowing those unable to travel far the benefit of at least visually experiencing nature.
See a typically cheerful Google video of Trekker in action below:

I would love to find their planned trips somewhere. It would be a blast to set up in a Sasquatch outfit and get added to google maps like horse boy in England.

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