Goblin Valley visited by morons

Jackasses! :mad: I hope they pay a really big fine and have to do a whole lot of community service!
Wow... As Bugs Bunny used to say, what a maroon...

What is the deal with the Boy Scouts over there? Sounds similar to many Scout troops from Ohio that invade Kentucky's Red River Gorge. They have no idea how to act in the outdoors, and show no respect for nature. Maybe it's a small minority of idiots, but it doesn't appear to be that uncommon.
[quote="BJett, post: 28289, member: 994] Maybe it's a small minority of idiots, but it doesn't appear to be that uncommon.[/quote]

Idiots are common as dirt. They are everywhere. All the time. All walks of life. All lifestyles, political and sexual persuasions, colors, creeds or religions.

What is the deal with the Boy Scouts over there? Sounds similar to many Scout troops from Ohio that invade Kentucky's Red River Gorge. They have no idea how to act in the outdoors, and show no respect for nature. Maybe it's a small minority of idiots, but it doesn't appear to be that uncommon.

I agree. I think many of the issues with the Boy Scouts depends on who is leading them. The general theme of the BSA is obviously to leave a place much nicer than you found it, but I think many leaders (especially within the LDS church) are often times "called" (i.e. kind of "told") they will be the leader whether they like it or not. I've seen many that aren't really into the outdoors, but they do it anyway.

I've seen so many troops at Goblin Valley (as an example) where some out of shape kid is wandering around with a large bag of doritos, and he just drops it and runs off looking for someone.

This is just an example of the worse. My son's scout leader is awesome and almost hyper-sensitive to this stuff whereas he'll stop the boys before every hike and remind them about treading lightly, don't drop trash or you'll face his wrath, etc. I wish every BSA leader could be like him.
It's lack of education on subjects like Leave No Trace or Tread Lightly. Those that have a solid outdoor ethic geared towards those type of principles are a very small percentage of everyone getting outdoors.
Does anyone believe their rationale?

No. It was just an excuse to destroy something. They should have to do a day of community service for each year of that rock formation's age. Glad they were dumb enough to videotape themselves doing it.
Does anyone believe their rationale?

I believe they have a point; the hoodoo was in danger of toppling over and I guess someday by chance it could fall over and kill someone below. However I'm sure they were more than excited to be the ones to prevent that 1;1,000,000 chance. They should have reported it to the park and let them deal with it.

I think the death threats over this is almost as stupid as the act they performed themselves. I think a good hefty fine and community service relating to respecting the outdoors is a perfect punishment.
Idiots. Stuff like this makes me really mad.

As if the act itself isn't bad enough... To film it, with your faces in full view and then post it on the internet? They're really not the sharpest knives in the drawer are they?
Dave Hall and Glenn Taylor are now known all over the world for their stupidity, for example there is an entry about them on one of the most important French news website http://lci.tf1.fr/monde/amerique/vi...pour-avoir-pousse-un-rocher-dans-8294750.html

Knowing that they are considered as morons and a symbol of stupidity all over the world and probably by a large part of their community, family, friends, colleagues, neighbours... will be a part of their punishment.
The so-called "Goblin Topplers" were charged with third-degree criminal mischief felonies Friday, the culmination of a viral video posted in October of David Hall and Glenn Taylor pushing over a rock formation in Goblin Valley State Park. If convicted, the men could face up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine after both were accused of causing more than $1,500 but less than $5,000 when they pushed over the ancient rock formation.

That's good news. I was beginning to think that they would get a slap on the wrist. Finally Justice.
Charged, not convicted and not sentenced.

Bet they still do end up with a slap on the wrist...

Still, all the grief they have already suffered, and still have to deal with these charges, I suspect their personal price paid for this is proportionate and fair. I for one wouldn't want to see them locked up for it. If they end up with a couple thousand in fines, on top of attorneys fees and all the humiliation they've already gone through, that's enough, to me.

Charged, not convicted and not sentenced.

Bet they still do end up with a slap on the wrist...

Still, all the grief they have already suffered, and still have to deal with these charges, I suspect their personal price paid for this is proportionate and fair. I for one wouldn't want to see them locked up for it. If they end up with a couple thousand in fines, on top of attorneys fees and all the humiliation they've already gone through, that's enough, to me.

I agree that jail is not the right thing for them because ultimately the tax payers would be paying for it. As far as fines go I hope they get the max they can get.