Album Glaciers

I've been thinking about Alaska a lot lately. It seems to be calling me.

Picture is from the flight in to Wrangell-St. Elias. The pilots strap bear spray to the wing struts so it's not inside the plane.

the first time I've been up close to a glacier
Winthrop Glacier, End Moraine Mount Rainier NP

It was impressive to see and hear the glacier move and see pieces of rock falling off of it

You were there at Winthrop Thursday?
We were nearby. We went up Burrough Thursday morning just after sunrise... but the first climb after Frozen was as high as we went, and definitely did not go any further.
(Tired legs and all from the days before... yada yada... excuses)
You were there at Winthrop Thursday?
We were nearby. We went up Burrough Thursday morning just after sunrise... but the first climb after Frozen was as high as we went, and definitely did not go any further.
(Tired legs and all from the days before... yada yada... excuses)
I was there on Wednesday. I had a long 20.2-mile day with a 4500 ft elevation gain.
I originally planned to do another 16-18 miler on Thursday but was a bit too tired, and it was so foggy again.
I was there on Wednesday. I had a long 20.2-mile day with a 4500 ft elevation gain.
I originally planned to do another 16-18 miler on Thursday but was a bit too tired, and it was so foggy again.

Well, I was hoping I had not just walked by... hahaha. I should wear my BCP shirt.
The clouds and such are also why we bailed the rest of the day for Rainier and headed NW for Korean food and then a couple nights on the coast.
Well, I was hoping I had not just walked by... hahaha. I should wear my BCP shirt.
The clouds and such are also why we bailed the rest of the day for Rainier and headed NW for Korean food and then a couple nights on the coast.
I hope you had better conditions on the coast.
I usually wouldn't mind fog and mist, but there are certain hikes at Rainier where I would love seeing some of the stuff around, lol.
Right now, I'm squeezing in as much as possible as the dry weather season is ending soon.
I still need to go to a glacier and actually see it. I guess I'll take my chances in a few days and head out to Carbon Glacier

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