Geo-tagging your photographs

You can overlay them onto a google map and then embed that map on your blog and here on backcountrypost. How do you do the Google Map photo track, Udink?
I use Picasa and Google Earth to geotag my photos. Then, when I upload the photos to Picasaweb, there's an option to download a KML file with all the geotagged photos, which I integrate with my GPS tracklog into a new KMZ file. Like Summit, I tag them from memory and usually don't have a problem getting them dead-on, but occasionally I have to refer to the timestamps for help.
I have lightroom 4, and I'll try this as soon as I get off work tonight.
that's the video I saw that explains it all... though when I first exported, I don't think they stuck with the images. I'm exporting a batch right now (it's wicked slow on this laptop), and in the export dialog box, under metadata, I unchecked 'remove location info' I'm assuming/hoping that means it will keep the geo-tag data with it, stay tuned

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