Gannett/Grasshopper Glaciers


Hiker Trash
Jan 4, 2015
A buddy and I will be doing what is shaping up to be a really fun trip this August. We're looking to make a high-route across the Winds, with extensive off-trail navigation, and as much jaw-dropping scenery as possible. We're currently in the process of building a route, combining Skurka's proposal, Wilson/Dixon's proposal, and our own imaginations. The below link shows the progress we've made with building a route. We started by putting pushpins in places that interest us, and are trying to string together as many interesting things as possible.

Does anyone have any route suggestions? Specifically, does anyone have experience in the Gannett Glacier/Sentinel Pass/Grasshopper Glacier area? The alt route I've created in blue avoids the glacier, but at the cost of some pretty gnarly-looking scrambling. We will both have microspikes and trekking poles, but not ice axes or ropes. Does anyone have experience in this area or any tips? I'm sure the glaciers have receded a bit since the map was published but it's hard to say how much.




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I have a route that's been planned since 2009 similar to yours.... we have tried three times and been weathered out everytime. The east side and high is not the place to be in bad weather. Blaurock is a killer, pretty much all day, Alpine Pass not far behind. Mine was planned to go over what you are calling Sentinal Pass..... and we were crossing Grasshopper Glacier in the west side to Iceberg lake. Then dropping down to Kevin and Bear basin (fishing) and out to Green River TH. You won't find many people who have been through any of that country, it's very rugged and remote. You can avoid Alpine Pass and go over Bloody Hell Pass to the east.. From there south your route is good if you like ridge walking, which I don't. Also isn't it Indian land from Europe to Photo Pass? Google Earth is your friend.... sorry, don't put much stock in SK****s proposed stuff, he is a speed walker, not a backpacker...Check my Traverse route in the resource section of BOP. Also search for Arts post on the backside as well....

What kind of days and miles you thinking....most of that country is really, really SLOW going....less than a mile per hour.
Not me, at least as regards your blue line. I've been up Bomber Basin and then over No Man's pass and sumitted Downs mtn. Used an ice axe on No Man's pass. This was coming up it from the north. Traversing it from Goat Flat is no problem.
Hey all. Late to the party.

From Floyd Wilson Meadows, head up Gannett Glacier then stay on Grasshopper Glacier for awhile, but contour up to the pass just E of Klondike Pk and make the easy crossing and descent of Sourdough Glacier to Baker Lk and the saddle. Then the hard part starts.

You're going to have stay right on The Divide. When I did it, I took it all the way past Continental Glacier until I could swing down to Mile Long Lk and exit past Upper/Lower Ross Lks, another "Epic"in itself.
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Welcome SWT.......

haha, easy the Winds? Been weathered out three times trying to get across from Dinwoodie to Bear Basin...
Terrain wise, the Wind's are pretty easy going on all of the off trail routes until you get past Gannett. Then the shite really hits the fan !

But there's also no way of predicting the weather. In the past 40 years, I've been completely tent bound for at least 2-3 days in a row because of weather, on every trip except one, and that one exception had me dodging huge wildfires instead.
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Wow this is a group with a lot of experience, thanks guys! Sounds like going right across Gannett Glacier should be doable, if slow, IF the weather holds up. We've got alternates planned in case of subprime weather.

Bob - we've got plenty of time, it's about 100 miles and we've got 8 or 8.5 hiking days to accomplish the route. That's only 12 miles a day on average, so there's plenty of time for 1mph terrain, as well as bad weather shutting us down.

SWT - Is the best way to approach Gannett Glacier from the east? Or is it possible to go past West Sentinel and down the pass to the glacier?

Thanks again to all of you for the awesome insights!
Yes! I got a bad case of tendonitis though and had to bail down the glacier trail, so not sure how it would have been. Weather was great - that was our opportunity and my ankle just didn't hold up :(

Cool! Sounds like you basically did the route that Bob and I did together a couple of years ago, then. I call it the (disappearing) glacier tour. I can't tell for sure though since your link in the OP to caltopo doesn't work anymore.

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