Gaia GPS question


Mar 27, 2015
So I recently got a subscription to Gaia. Based off of what I have read here most people really enjoy it. I am enjoying it so far, but I do have one thing confusing me. I can't figure out how to add a waypoint with UTM coordinates. When I am on the computer it only let's me add a waypoint by clicking on the map. I like to add waypoints by the coordinates because sometimes I am not sure where they are at on the map. Does anyone have a way to do it?
I love and rely on the GAIA app on my iphone and have for years. However, the web app seems very sub par to me. I spent some time looking for a way to do what you asked and couldn't figure it out. I make my routes in CalTopo, and then export and download to GAIA. In CalTopo you can use coordinates to create a "marker"
I spent time messing around with both Gaia and Caltopo and figured out how to export to Gaia. I really enjoy Caltopo as well, so it will be great to conitinue to use both of them. I appreciate the help!
Gaia user here too. I always create my route in gaia and then also record my tracks in gaia in airplane mode during the trip. The only time I don't use it is when I use Avenza instead since you can purchase the NY/NJ Trail Conference maps and the Nat Geo Trails Illustrated maps on Avenza. There is an NPS overlay in gaia, but I find it's not always as good as the Trails Illustrated maps on Avenza.

Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question as I usually create my routes directly on the phone app.