fishing the Winds


Jan 23, 2014
I am not much of a fly fishermen so I plan on bringing my light spinning gear. It packs much smaller and lighter than a fly outfit. I have had success in the past with it and wonder how I'll fare in the Winds. How many use spinning gear and what lures have you tried? I have had past success with Mepps type lures.
Fishing can be fantastic up there. It can also be pretty bad, it just depends on the lake. You'll do just fine with a spin rig. I've had great success on a #2 gold Blue Fox and kastmasters. Brook trout love a brown/tan maribou jig as well.
I had great luck using only a Jake's spin a lure (money-clip looking thing). I brought a bunch of other things, even fly's and a bubble. I caught one fish with the fly rig, and around 40 with the Jake's. A few times I saw the fish attack the bubble, I switched to the Jake's and caught a few more.

I would feel real confident going in with only a Jake's in most situations. I also don't really care if I catch many though. I just like sitting around the lake.
Oh yeah, that Jake's rocked. Another method with the spin rod is to toss some flies behind a bubble. Renegades are fish slayers.
Jake's money clip, gold with red spots........In 13 days never took it of my setup. Caught all we wanted. ;)
I like Panther Martins, the black one with red dots and a gold blade. For flies- renegades, ants, stimulators, and beadhead copper johns seem to catch whatever swims up there. Take a few jigs too. I was up there in 2012 and the fish would take a jig when they'd ignore the flies and spinners.
Yes, the Jake's like everyone else mentioned!!! Definitely take some of those! :twothumbs: I've also done really well on a black with yellow dots panther martin!

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