Album Fall Colors 2017


Jan 17, 2012
It's that time of the year! Unfortunately, I'm not going to be getting out this year to photograph fall colors (maybe I'll be able to squeeze in an evening trip up onto the Grand Mesa), so I'm going to need to see your photos!

I did see a little color along Red Mountain Pass last weekend, though...

by Randy Langstraat, on Flickr
I've never had much luck timing peak color, but we did go out with some friends yesterday morning to bang around Pike's Peak and things were looking pretty good. Nice views at the bottom, though the summit was completely socked in and snowing and we had to wait for them to stop plowing in order to finish the trip up (no pics - literally a solid wall of gray with about 50 feet visibility).


The summit is the leftmost bit of the range here with the cloud sitting on it.



The San Juans in Colorado are at peak way up high. Over the next couple weeks it will descend more and more. The last couple days threw a storm through the area, adding to how pretty it was. I spent most of my time around Silverton. Drop dead gorgeous.

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I drove over Independence Pass just out of Aspen today, and the high country is peaking pretty hard. Didn't get any photos worth posting, as I was too busy watching the road.
The final week of September has been one of perfect summer weather, and fall foliage at it's peak in southern Alberta!
This pond caught my eye as I rode a foothills MTB loop on Thursday afternoon. Surrounded as it was on the trail side by marsh- I got wet feet trying to get a decent enough vantage point but that didn't matter, as it was a so warm out:
Friday morning selfie on another ride-this on one of our city trail networks. Even the air seemed to be suffused with a golden glow!:
This is one of my favorite threads each year.
Today was all about opposites.

Ended the day not far from the house, sunny and dry looking up towards Ennis above Corner Canyon. The maples are getting really nice.
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Started the day before dawn up by Alta socked in with clouds, but a radio collared cow and her fat pre-teen were grazing roadside.
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Climbed up toward Cardiff Pass (I believe that is the name). Saw the snowstorm coming up canyon in an hour or so faster than forecasted. Going up to Alta the first weekend in October is an annual thing for almost a decade, and this year the aspens are a bit behind most of the other years.
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Watching this one roll up the canyon was the highlight of the day.
It took only about 15 minutes to overtake us from the photo above to this. (My daughter is just there, catching snowflakes on her tongue)Alta Sunday 10-170102.jpg

Bigger flakes.
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Some good snow. Orange is one of my favorite colors.
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There is much more fall colors to come...
Fantastic. Is the pavement UT12? If so, is that last picture down by Grover somewhere? Don't recognize the rocks.

Just past Grover. It is on the Teasdale road, where you can cut the corner to avoid Torrey. Looked at the map afterwards and the rocks are called the Cock's Comb.
Just past Grover. It is on the Teasdale road, where you can cut the corner to avoid Torrey. Looked at the map afterwards and the rocks are called the Cock's Comb.
Ah... that's the Cocks' Comb! looks different in this perspective. Thanks!
A couple wintry storms seem to have knocked most of the fall colors down in the La Sals. :( I had really hoped they would hold out and be awesome. There are only a couple stands left. I guess we're waiting for the cottonwoods and town trees to go now around Moab.
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