Fable Valley / Bowdie Canyon [Deleted]

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Mar 3, 2013
Bob submitted a new resource:

Fable Valley / Bowdie Canyon - Fable Valley Bowdie Canyon

Gpx route into Fable Valley to the head of Gypsum Canyon. Accessed from Sweet Alice Rd. The 'Fortress' is down here....only say this because it is well known. Also a loop route into Bowdie Canyon. A lot of interesting things here, especially at the last pour off. One spot you have to climb up to get around a pour off, but we did it. Also a short cut route into the lower canyon. You can go all the way to the Colorado River in Bowdie. We did a reverse trip, down Fable Valley, down Gypsum,...

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Bobbie Boy,
Great route, thanks. You only marked two water spots. Was there water in Fable Valley (marked spring?)? Any other water in Bowdie besides the two marked spots?
Ill have to dig out paper maps ...what I remember..... Bowdie has water quite often, up to water 2 in west fork. East fork all pouroffs had standing water. One big pouroff in East fork you have to climb the west side quite high. The big pour off has lots (cool ruin with Kivas above it . From there to river seems like water was frequent. (in June). Ruins scattered thru canyon. Nice one almost tot river as well as the big ruin by the pouroff.
Fable spr is /was big. below there intermitant pools till you get to Gypsum Falls. then water mostly all the way to river. Its interesting getting around Gypsum Falls...narrow ledge, steep talus.....
You wanting to do a trip there??? When???
Thanks Bob. YES I am going to go there. Right now still inventing a route to include the spot where Steve A wrote the mountain lion essay about. When? Now that is a good question. Probably will spend the next year scouting the start and finish to get the essay locaiton with some short recon hikes. Probably be a year or two before the full enchilada.
Mtn lion essay? Kinda strange to base a hike on. Where's it at.
This isn't accessible to view or download anymore? I'm planning a trip into the area and would love some more info...
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