Early season trails


Jun 16, 2012
Ugggg! I'm having a hard time deciding where to go this weekend! I'm not used to having so many options open this early and it's messing with my head!
Haha! So you have too many options and that's a problem?? The Uintas are looking pretty nice... you planning to backpack?
Yeah, and I'm heading to the Uintas...I just can't pick a trail. How about you?
I think I'm going to go do an 'old dog' hike with Nikita so maybe something like the Ruth Lake area or Cuberant Basin areas. Really short and easy. I don't get to take Nikita on many hikes anymore so it seems like a good opportunity. I was going to stay home and move into my new basement but it looks like that'll have to wait a week. From the sound of the Uintas Conditions thread, most hikes that don't involve crossing a pass should be golden. It'd be pretty sweet to catch Amethyst with ice still in it.
Yeah, I'd go to Amethyst, but my Parks pass expired two weeks ago, and I'm too cheap to pay the $3! :)

I think we're heading to Brown Duck Basin. I know how you feel about the south end, but my wife hasn't been there, so it seemed as good a trail as any. I wanted to hit some trails on the north slope, but I figure they're probably pretty swampy messes right now, so I'm going to give them another week or so.

Have fun!