Durable rain jacket options?


New Member
Feb 28, 2025
I'm a bit sick of buying gear that doesn't last, and contributing to the mountain of synthetic waste.

So, I'm after any recommendations for rain protection that will last 10+ years. Is there any? How do you find it?
My Montbell Versalite is pushing 15 yrs. A bit of delamination that was easily fixed. Most of my trips don't require anything more robust. There are more lightweight versions ($$$) and non-breathable is worth considering if it's well vented. If I was hiking in the rain for days, I'd go non-breathable or go with heavier 3 layer models.
WPB is junk.

Lightheart Gear makes true waterproof jackets. They work well for wet+cold for multiple days. Not breathable, but that's fine.
my rain jacket is a Rab Atmos from 2016, it's going strong except for a big rip in a sleeve from bushwacking, that fixed right up using tyvek tape. I figure if we can't trust the brits for rain gear then who can we trust. but I primarily hike in Utah so it has functioned more as a windbreaker than a rain jacket, practically speaking
Have had a Patagonia for many years. Before that a marmot brand. You have to wash and retreat then every few years to keep the dwr in good shape
I use a waterproof Campmor cagoule that I got in maybe 2000. I spray it with waterproof stuff some years. It is fairly light, folds into its own kangaroo pocket, and is quick to put on and take off, provides enough ventilation, and keeps me dry and out of wind to my knees. When I wear it, I get a lot of stares, and when I self consciously say, “It works,” people start asking questions. I love it.

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