Don't get mad, get even.

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The native populations of every developed nation are shrinking including here in the U.S. . We only see population growth in developing nations and from immigrants in developed nations and even that rate is starting to decline as education and birth control become available.

I have hope for the planet and hope for mankind. I agree that Trump's transition team thus far hasn't been promising in many many ways. Who has Trump put in charge of making his lists for potential appointments?!?

Regardless of what happens, life will go on. The real key is for all of us lovers of the outdoors, from our various political backgrounds to band together and push for conservation of our public lands. That only works if we're united and that will only happen if we take a stance that is inclusive and open to appropriate levels of access.
Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around...
Turn me around...
Turn me around...
Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around...
Keep on a-walkin'
Keep on a-talkin'
Gonna build a brand new world.

Ain't gonna let the administration turn me around...
Turn me around...
Turn me around...
Ain't gonna let the administration turn me around...
Keep on a-walkin'
Keep on a-talkin'
Gonna build a brand new world.

Ain't gonna let no first-strike policy turn me around...
Turn me around...
Turn me around...
Ain't gonna let no first-strike policy turn me around...
Keep on a-walkin'
Keep on a-talkin'
Gonna build a brand new world....................

Never liked Joan Baez too much. Mavis Staples nailed it though.
It ain't over yet, but the thought of Palin, Giuliani, Bolton and Gingrich makes me spew on my Chuck Taylors. Filibuster!
Cheer up!

Ain't gonna let the administration turn me around...
My last thought on this (I hope!):
In the long run the earth is not what we need to save, no matter how we muck it up she will survive and eventually heal herself. We are just short term tenants. It is humanity we have to save, for better or worse.
On the energy issue, renewable can replace the whole system. Geothermal Energy alone with the new GES systems can generate unlimited emission free energy. As a planet we use about .05 ZJ a year in total energy consumption. If we utilized just the natural existing Geothermal Power on a global scale, we could harvest 200 ZJ a year. Meaning that just with the natural existing hot spots, we could power the world for the next 4,000 years. Add the new GES systems, and we cold have unlimited emission free power. Iceland runs its infrastructure on Geothermal energy. Also at a cost which is a fraction of coal fired power plants. Solar is outpacing coal currently in the market. We have the ability to stop using fossil fuels right now. People just have to stand up and demand it. Car companies already have all electric capabilities. Tesla being the biggest of them. Lets replace the fossil fuel subsidies we just throw out the window every year with a credit to the tax payer to go purchase an electric vehicle? We are currently spending it to make a few oil dudes wealthy, how about use that for the people towards a better planet?

As far as our gear for backpacking, Hemp textiles can replace the whole nylon textile industry. What is great about Hemp is that it is a renewable source that does not get down cycled. You can recycle Hemp. Hemp was our biggest textile in the US before Dupont wanted in on things. There are also non-toxic waterproofing applications which would take the toxicity out of the process.

It is going to take a paradigm shift in our society to solve Climate Change. Its the old saying, "If you tell yourself you can't, you won't. If you tell yourself you can, you have got a chance." It is all about perspective.

Someone still has to pay for it, theories and estimates are great. putting into production and distributing it different, try getting it from Iceland to Louisiana....................... nothing is "free". Hemp....yes I know all about it...... just because something is renewable doesnt make it a good replacement.... Batteries for cars / home still are not efficient or cost effective..... I have looked. I just put in solar power on the roof and a geoexchange heatpump ..... I paid for it, wasn't free (about $60,000)

Sorry I don't lean to the green side...... But I do believe in minimizing the bad. But I won't change others opinions and you won't change mine. And I am not getting into political (for Nicks sanity)
In my humble opinion we may want to focus on policy issues that directly relate to backcountry topics (e.g. National Parks, land access, conservation of landmarks). There are plenty of political sites for the other stuff. I personally am kinda nervous at what Sarah Palin would do to public lands if she becomes Secratery of the Interior. For @Nick and respect for his hard work I suggest we vent about that stuff on other sites.
Someone still has to pay for it, theories and estimates are great. putting into production and distributing it different, try getting it from Iceland to Louisiana....................... nothing is "free". Hemp....yes I know all about it...... just because something is renewable doesnt make it a good replacement.... Batteries for cars / home still are not efficient or cost effective..... I have looked. I just put in solar power on the roof and a geoexchange heatpump ..... I paid for it, wasn't free (about $60,000)

Sorry I don't lean to the green side...... But I do believe in minimizing the bad. But I won't change others opinions and you won't change mine. And I am not getting into political (for Nicks sanity)

Who do you think is paying to subsidize the oil companies? Geothermal can be tapped anywhere on the planet with the new GES systems that were developed. Everyone knows, the deeper you go into the earths surface, the hotter it gets. So you don't have to take it from Iceland to Louisiana, you can put the whole system right in your backyard. Municipalities can put in Geothermal for 1/8 the cost of a coal fired power plant. Making electricity cost less for the end user. Tesla has the electric car down. Go test drive one. They are fast as hell.

Kudos for moving to solar and a geoexchange heat pump. Every little bit counts. :twothumbs:

Actually, Hemp is a better textile than nylon. Not as susceptible to camp fire burns either.

All I did was share information. What you choose to do with it is your business. :cool:
In my humble opinion we may want to focus on policy issues that directly relate to backcountry topics (e.g. National Parks, land access, conservation of landmarks). There are plenty of political sites for the other stuff. I personally am kinda nervous at what Sarah Palin would do to public lands if she becomes Secratery of the Interior. For @Nick and respect for his hard work I suggest we vent about that stuff on other sites.

I too am scared of Sarah Palin getting her hands on the Department Of The Interior.

Compared to some of the conversations I have seen of late in my Facebook feed, I think this one has stayed quite civil and everyone has been respectful. Makes me happy to be here to see people with polar opposite views be able to have a discussion without the internet trolling I have seen on so many other boards. Glad to be here. :)
I guess it's about time I chime in. Yeah, I hate to see politics creep in here more than it needs to, but this definitely has the potential to be a huge issue to the outdoors. Thank you all for keeping it so civil and respectful. Political conversation the BCP way!

Last week sucked. Rocking my ass off to some old school punk rock on the way to the desert Friday night helped a lot. Gets me ready to fight what's headed down the pipe.

My heart aches for all the women, minorities and LGBTQ people who Trump has built his brand upon intimidating and belittling. If the reality of all this is that hard for me as a white, blue-eyed American man, I can only imagine what it's like for others. And then our public lands... maybe it's not the most consequential thing at stake, but it's one of the most important to me. I want to think that there are enough champions for minorities in this country that we will stand up against the injustices that may come their way, but I don't know if there are enough to stand up and save our lands. The whole thing with the Bundys being acquitted doesn't help. I'm not going to let it happen without a fight though.

I get where some of you are coming from on giving him a chance, but I think he's already blown it. I'll admit that his actual stances could be all over the place from what he campaigned on, and perhaps in my favor at times. It's encouraging that he has already made statements suggesting that gay marriage is 'settled' and he is 'okay with it'. Also that he is in favor of some of the more popular aspects of Obamacare such as preexisting condition coverage. But it doesn't change the fact that he just put a white supremacist at the top of his administration. Or that he built his entire campaign on racism, misogyny and xenophobia. He is simply a horrible human being and to make it worse, it is incredibly easy for people to push his buttons and upset him. Give this guy the nukes! Now he's starting to realize that being the president is an actual job and he's like a deer in the headlights. It's going to be a rough four years.

I guess that wasn't a very outdoors-related political post, but it's the only one I'm posting. So there.
It looks like snow in south east Idaho tonight.
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I can't ask this question on FB because my wife will see it.

How many of you men were in trouble with your wives because Trump won the election? I'm not asking if you voted for him. My wife know that I didn't. She was still pissed off at me. Somehow it was my fault because Hillary lost.

Not in the slightest. My wife voted Trump and can't stand Hillary. A lot of people, especially women, had their hopes up for the first woman POTUS. I don't know why that matters, neither does my wife, but many people were disappointed when she didn't win and I think probably would have been even if it wasn't Trump that beat her.

I would say that politically I closest identify with libertarianism but have a different stance on public lands (one of the few things government does well) and immigration than many libertarians. That leads to some interesting discussions between my wife and I who is fairly conservative. Regardless of the outcome the election, it has always been my hope that the U.S. reverses it's warmongering foreign policy of death and destruction that has been carried out over the past 15 years.

Peace abroad and at home is my hope for the future and for my children. That future will only materialize if we keep lines of communication open between our fellow man despite our political differences. I see that hope reinforced with the civil discussions I see on this forum and others between people that span the gamut of political, philosophical and religious beliefs.
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More fertilizer to grow hemp........ made from what? Lots of cows? then methane........ big circle, get rid of one bad thing another pops up.
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