Dolly Sods (WV) with my kids


May 16, 2016
Dolly Sods w/ Kids

7/18 - 7/21/18 (3 nights)
2018 bag nights: 21

My wife's brother asked at the beginning of the summer if I was interested in meeting up in the Dolly Sods this summer with our kids (his oldest is 6). I had already been planning on taking my three (5, 7, 9) on a trip or two, so I said sure.

We met at the trailhead next to the campground and headed down the trail. Note the pack on my daughter's back, I had visions of this being a great pack if the weight was kept low. It ended up being terrible. Also note my camera near my hip, I barely touched it and would have been happier if I had left it and the tripod at home.

Beautiful views as we head down the Blackbird Knob trail towards the intersection with the Red Creek Trail.

We got to the "forks" area on Red Creek and there was only one other person in the area. I felt kind of bad for bringing 4 noisy kids into his solitude, but I was happy that there weren't a lot of other people.

The next day we headed towards the Lions Head, but the Rocky Point Trail was very slow going for the little legs, so we ended up saving it for next time. It was still a great hiking day.

We set up camp off the Big Stonecoal Trail

There were a bunch of deer in the area that were not afraid at all. The kids had fun chasing them though the woods for a little bit.

Just to remember that it is not all positive memories :) At about 10pm, the kids were all in bed and Doug and I were enjoying a little bourbon when I heard noises from my tent. It sounded like someone was having a nightmare, so I wandered over just in time to unzip the tent and have my five year old empty her guts just outside the tent. Only a little bit got on her and her sleeping bag. So, I got her cleaned up and gave her my sleep shirt and quilt and she went back to sleep while I tried to get puke off the outside of her sleeping bag. No issues the rest of the night and she woke up happy in the morning.

Another beautiful day for hiking, but a little bit warmer.

We set up camp for our third and last night off the Blackbird Knob Trail

The forecast was for rain in the morning and the sky doesn't look promising.

We woke up the next morning to grey skies but no rain. Time to head for the car, ended up getting lucky and never got wet.

In the end, we covered about 15 miles and other than the failure with the kids pack and the barfing, everything went great. The kids had a great time and were mostly good hikers/campers and I enjoyed having another adult to help herd my kids. I suspect we will do a similar trip next summer.
Nice "Dad pack"!
The only place I have been hiking in WV is Blackwater Falls. Love seeing other areas. Thanks!

Kid's puking... that is one of my least favorite hazards of taking kids. Or when they are really young and before they learn of the magical freedom of bathroom in the woods, there are accidents, probably that's my least favorite.
Great share!
Looks like you did a great job with the kiddos and that they had fun. Good thing the vomiting situation wasn't worse, like all night or in the tent.
Nice "Dad pack"!
The only place I have been hiking in WV is Blackwater Falls. Love seeing other areas. Thanks!

Kid's puking... that is one of my least favorite hazards of taking kids. Or when they are really young and before they learn of the magical freedom of bathroom in the woods, there are accidents, probably that's my least favorite.

The first time on took my oldest on an overnight she was about 4.5. I planned on hiking about 1.5 miles and setting up camp and then she could splash in the creek. I had what I thought was enough clothes, but we were about a 1/3 mile down the trail and she said she had to go potty so we moved off the trail and she dropped her pants and peed all over her underwear/shorts. :) I think the puking was worse
The first time on took my oldest on an overnight she was about 4.5. I planned on hiking about 1.5 miles and setting up camp and then she could splash in the creek. I had what I thought was enough clothes, but we were about a 1/3 mile down the trail and she said she had to go potty so we moved off the trail and she dropped her pants and peed all over her underwear/shorts. :) I think the puking was worse

One trip this summer we had a puke on the drive in that mostly was cleaned out so it didnt smell too bad after three days, and then some my little pony underpants that made it back to a trash bin in a ziploc bag on the same trip. The six year old learned what "commando" means as we hiked back to camp that day.
Usually tho, the real problems are convincing everyone it is time to go home.
I know this area well from venturing out here in college at JMU. What a great place. Lion's head is really cool. Glad you got to show the kids the area.

Dolly Sods w/ Kids

7/18 - 7/21/18 (3 nights)
2018 bag nights: 21

My wife's brother asked at the beginning of the summer if I was interested in meeting up in the Dolly Sods this summer with our kids (his oldest is 6). I had already been planning on taking my three (5, 7, 9) on a trip or two, so I said sure.

We met at the trailhead next to the campground and headed down the trail. Note the pack on my daughter's back, I had visions of this being a great pack if the weight was kept low. It ended up being terrible. Also note my camera near my hip, I barely touched it and would have been happier if I had left it and the tripod at home.

Beautiful views as we head down the Blackbird Knob trail towards the intersection with the Red Creek Trail.

We got to the "forks" area on Red Creek and there was only one other person in the area. I felt kind of bad for bringing 4 noisy kids into his solitude, but I was happy that there weren't a lot of other people.

The next day we headed towards the Lions Head, but the Rocky Point Trail was very slow going for the little legs, so we ended up saving it for next time. It was still a great hiking day.

We set up camp off the Big Stonecoal Trail

There were a bunch of deer in the area that were not afraid at all. The kids had fun chasing them though the woods for a little bit.

Just to remember that it is not all positive memories :) At about 10pm, the kids were all in bed and Doug and I were enjoying a little bourbon when I heard noises from my tent. It sounded like someone was having a nightmare, so I wandered over just in time to unzip the tent and have my five year old empty her guts just outside the tent. Only a little bit got on her and her sleeping bag. So, I got her cleaned up and gave her my sleep shirt and quilt and she went back to sleep while I tried to get puke off the outside of her sleeping bag. No issues the rest of the night and she woke up happy in the morning.

Another beautiful day for hiking, but a little bit warmer.

We set up camp for our third and last night off the Blackbird Knob Trail

The forecast was for rain in the morning and the sky doesn't look promising.

We woke up the next morning to grey skies but no rain. Time to head for the car, ended up getting lucky and never got wet.

In the end, we covered about 15 miles and other than the failure with the kids pack and the barfing, everything went great. The kids had a great time and were mostly good hikers/campers and I enjoyed having another adult to help herd my kids. I suspect we will do a similar trip next summer.
Thanks for sharing and thanks for reminding me
that backpacking is limited to the west.

Fortunately (unfortunately?), mine were much older
before they started backpacking. So, good on ya for
taking the little ones.
Nice! I did the same route last fall for my wife’s first trip. It’s a cool place. I’m going to try to check out Roaring Plains (just to the south) this fall.