Directions to Marlboro Point?


Oct 1, 2012
I'm heading to Canyonlands in a few weeks and wanted to visit Marlboro Point. However, I can't find any reliable directions to it. I'm guessing this is somewhat of a protected location. Can someone PM me directions to it? No gps points please, I don't know how to use those. I promise not to give the directions away and hopefully come back with some nice shots. :)
Thanks, but from other descriptions I found that only seems to be part direction. Driving it in the daylight first seems to be the universal constant.

That's the entire route to the point. It's based off of one of my old GPS tracks that he used to find it.

I've driven it in the dark before. Higher clearance in your vehicle is helpful.
I'm heading to Canyonlands in a few weeks and wanted to visit Marlboro Point. However, I can't find any reliable directions to it. I'm guessing this is somewhat of a protected location. Can someone PM me directions to it? No gps points please, I don't know how to use those. I promise not to give the directions away and hopefully come back with some nice shots. :)
I know how to get out there if ur still interested ?