Dinwoody/Bonney Pass Summer Conditions


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
I'm planning a trip to the Winds late August/early September. I'd like to make an attempt up Bonney/Dinwoody Pass and even Dinwoody Peak. Most of the trip reports I read describe the pass on the way to Gannett and highlight the steepness and general use of crampons/micro-spikes and ice axes.

What are conditions like on this pass during peak summer conditions? Is there still snow in the pass requiring microspikes/ice axe, or is it a class 2+ hike/climb?
I'm planning a trip to the Winds late August/early September. I'd like to make an attempt up Bonney/Dinwoody Pass and even Dinwoody Peak. Most of the trip reports I read describe the pass on the way to Gannett and highlight the steepness and general use of crampons/micro-spikes and ice axes.

What are conditions like on this pass during peak summer conditions? Is there still snow in the pass requiring microspikes/ice axe, or is it a class 2+ hike/climb?
Much of this is subjective, but my thoughts below:
  1. In late August/early September I'd expect up to Class 3+ hiking on loose rock from the south side. The north side is about the same as you approach the pass itself, but some glacier travel would be expected if you're coming from or continuing that direction.
  2. My personal opinion is that Bonney is easier early in the season w/ snow/ice and spikes than it is later in the season when it is mostly loose rock.
  3. I haven't actually topped out Dinwoody Peak, but purely on appearances I'd think you're fine to continue up if you were fine getting up the pass.