Death Valley

Scott Chandler

Wildness is a necessity- John Muir
Jan 4, 2014
I'm thinking about taking a trip over to Death Valley in January. I'd like to stay a few days, maybe up to a week. Anyone have thoughts on some not to miss spots? I'm thinking of getting to Eureka Dunes and The Racetrack since I have the adventure vehicle now, but I'm also not thinking of putting the adventure vehicle on anything more intense than those.

Thank you in advance for feedback!
I keep trying to get myself out there myself. Alas, no advice. Maybe message John Morrow. I have seen several Death Valley posts from him. :)
I'm thinking about taking a trip over to Death Valley in January. I'd like to stay a few days, maybe up to a week. Anyone have thoughts on some not to miss spots? I'm thinking of getting to Eureka Dunes and The Racetrack since I have the adventure vehicle now, but I'm also not thinking of putting the adventure vehicle on anything more intense than those.

Thank you in advance for feedback!
My son was there last March and in addition to typical places like the Salt Flats he recommends the Ubehebe Crater. He liked that a lot!
I was out to the Racetack just a couple weeks ago. The road is its usual washboarded self. Most of the tracks are washed away, including most of the vehicle tracks. There is or was some water left as well. The third photo is looking north from just above he racetrack and shows the water in the corner. You can make out the grandstand in the distance. The sunrise is from Zabrinksi Point. I like the Devils Golf course better then Badwater. DSC06695.JPGphoto is Zabrinski Point sunrise.DSC06704.JPGDSC06705.JPGDSC06748.JPG

Drive Through Titus Canyon if the Road is open, it was closed when I was there. takes about a half day with some wandering around stops, but is a spectacular drive. Golden Canyon is a nice hike, rather short, but nice. For longer, off the beaten path stuff see some of John's trip reports. Darwin Falls is short, but very good if you go on past the first fall.

Have a great trip Always a great park to spend some time.

Might be a bit snowy, but Telescope Peak makes a great hike. Cool to be able to see Mt Whitney and Badwater Basin from the same place..
Highly recommend you check out Steve Hall's website--Panamint City. Tons of great hikes, all well documented, mapped, Google Earthed, etc.

It's a huge park. We've hiked and backpacked in it many times over the years, and we'll go back again and again. Among our favorites were Marble Canyon, Sidewinder Canyon, The loop up Golden Canyon and down Gower Gulch... and so many more

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