- Joined
- Mar 5, 2013
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- 38
First and foremost I'd like to disclaim this to be my very first trip report! What's tough is that there is a much more beautiful report that was just posted before mine
so you'll have to bare with me! Our route was selected by the our group's trip plan to car camp at Hurricane Wash TH on Day 1, Hike down and into Coyote and find a camp above the "Natural Bridge" area on Day 2, and down into the Escalante on day 3 to find a camp and out through Crack-in-the-wall on day 4.
We left Utah Valley University around 3pm MST to arrive at the Hurricane Wash TH just after dark and run a shuttle up to the water tank. I've never been down HITRR so after a gorgeous and scenic drive coming in through Boulder, it was much to my displeasure to be rudely interrupted in my experience, by the bumps and bangs. Just FYI this road isn't half as bad as I make it sound, and is much better than most dirt, access roads out there! However perturbed, our Wilderness Skills class was on our way to what would end up being an amazing backpacking experience.
View attachment 9193
Catching a glimpse of an early morning sunrise
View attachment 9188
The "Not-so-early risers".

Packing up for a cool morning into the gulch

Our group was stoked to be nearing the confluence of Coyote! "Everyone un-do your hip belts so you don't look fat! No matter how ripped you are, you'll still look bad in a hip-belt!" haha that's just one piece of advice we got from our instructor along the way!
Trudging the willow reeds!
A lunch break, well needed since we were truly hauling! I love our group because everyone is experienced and well versed in so we kick some ground! Although there was a lot we blew past!


Cami had my favorite chair of the trip, super duper comfy!

Selfy attempt, minus the duck-lips! "Prof. Pic." worthy? I think maybe!
Vapor Trail in action (I used to own that pack on Jeff's back until I bought the Crown V.C. I miss it.

"watch how long they fight getting their feet wet" ha ha Garth always cracked us up!

Canyon's a Leaning!

A mirrored view of Jacob Hamblin Arch. Amazingly large!

Shelby showing us some scale!

More Arch

This was a special moment for me. I am a relative of Jacob Hamblin so for me to get the chance to witness something so amazing that was named in his honor was a special treat. I had some time to reflect here and I felt very inspired and blessed to have a great ancestral background. GET SOME!

Shadows and Sun

Moving on with one last look.

Just getting prettier

Photo of some photo taking

Everyone has a shot of this weathering from down here so I figured I'd jump on the Wagon


Natural Arch and Camp #1 inside the Gulch


Soft Focus

This is my 1st attempt at a Pano! Kinda cool I guess.

inspiring view above camp 1

More Filters

Just storing some grain...

"you see joe, the thing here is that stick in your hand would be best used as a...". haha I dunno what was being said, but if it was between Patrick (right) and joe (left) you know it was good

I truly appreciate some good ceramics! These were really neat! and just above our camp!

Dinner time! let's cook after messing around with our toe nails! Seriously though these guys made some damn pizza! Salmon and Jerky flavored! haha

light begins to decend

"The natives used to paint things on walls". We seriously almost blew by this! I was lucky enough to be all nerdy and last in line looking around at stuff and I saw them high up! Pretty good stuff to NOT miss!

There was a group of people around our same college age at this spot when we first got here. One girl decided that bathing in a thong and a rolled up tube top was an appropriate thing to do. It became a good joke for us as we were out practicing LNT technique. "Nothing better than some filtered out thong water". I always say. I guess I was just dissapointed I didn't bring my singles! =)

Cliff Arch

Kris and her Sexy-Time Glasses


So... this one was a first! I think for our fearless TL and for us! When passing his "Ultralight Pack" down Stephen Witnessed every packers worst nightmare! A pack in the creek! haha it was pretty funny and resulted in a long list of mishaps that perpetuated our entertainment! Good thing Stephen is a true adventurer and a trooper at that! 10 points removed from Gryffindor for that one!

A pack in the water! Sleeping bag up might you note!

The Cotton Pa!

Some wonderful spring water!

Dinner on the Escalante!

Sumpin it up! Looking good Jess!

A man who watched is hopes and dreams tumble into a watery bath. He also knocked his Pasta out of his pot during dinner so Stephen had a rough evening! Lucky we all were willing to pitch in and share our food so the poor guy didn't starve! I think here he's realizing how lucky he is that it wasn't a human that tumbled off the edge.

Getting ready to cook some Mac N' Cheese

Oh Lindsey! We wished you wouldn't have struck out! "She's starting to notice the pitch in each fart".

Bouncing sun at Camp #2

No one can rock that Hawaiian shirt better than Joe can!

Our monument above our last night's camp.

haha no one wanted to go explore the arch!


Garth's extremely large calves! haha

Gotta get some sexy-time in before the sandy ascent

Crack in the wall! Just so you know, the sandy trail up to this is sandy, hot, and miserable, but short. I couldn't have done it without my trekking poles.

Another selfie in the crack!


Cami does Gymnastics on horses!

Jeff will get in touch with his Aboriginal Ancestors to find the way out.

A great traverse following a great adventure!

Featured image for home page:

We left Utah Valley University around 3pm MST to arrive at the Hurricane Wash TH just after dark and run a shuttle up to the water tank. I've never been down HITRR so after a gorgeous and scenic drive coming in through Boulder, it was much to my displeasure to be rudely interrupted in my experience, by the bumps and bangs. Just FYI this road isn't half as bad as I make it sound, and is much better than most dirt, access roads out there! However perturbed, our Wilderness Skills class was on our way to what would end up being an amazing backpacking experience.
View attachment 9193
Catching a glimpse of an early morning sunrise
View attachment 9188
The "Not-so-early risers".

Packing up for a cool morning into the gulch

Our group was stoked to be nearing the confluence of Coyote! "Everyone un-do your hip belts so you don't look fat! No matter how ripped you are, you'll still look bad in a hip-belt!" haha that's just one piece of advice we got from our instructor along the way!

Trudging the willow reeds!

A lunch break, well needed since we were truly hauling! I love our group because everyone is experienced and well versed in so we kick some ground! Although there was a lot we blew past!


Cami had my favorite chair of the trip, super duper comfy!

Selfy attempt, minus the duck-lips! "Prof. Pic." worthy? I think maybe!

Vapor Trail in action (I used to own that pack on Jeff's back until I bought the Crown V.C. I miss it.

"watch how long they fight getting their feet wet" ha ha Garth always cracked us up!

Canyon's a Leaning!

A mirrored view of Jacob Hamblin Arch. Amazingly large!

Shelby showing us some scale!

More Arch

This was a special moment for me. I am a relative of Jacob Hamblin so for me to get the chance to witness something so amazing that was named in his honor was a special treat. I had some time to reflect here and I felt very inspired and blessed to have a great ancestral background. GET SOME!

Shadows and Sun

Moving on with one last look.

Just getting prettier

Photo of some photo taking

Everyone has a shot of this weathering from down here so I figured I'd jump on the Wagon


Natural Arch and Camp #1 inside the Gulch


Soft Focus

This is my 1st attempt at a Pano! Kinda cool I guess.

inspiring view above camp 1

More Filters

Just storing some grain...

"you see joe, the thing here is that stick in your hand would be best used as a...". haha I dunno what was being said, but if it was between Patrick (right) and joe (left) you know it was good

I truly appreciate some good ceramics! These were really neat! and just above our camp!

Dinner time! let's cook after messing around with our toe nails! Seriously though these guys made some damn pizza! Salmon and Jerky flavored! haha

light begins to decend

"The natives used to paint things on walls". We seriously almost blew by this! I was lucky enough to be all nerdy and last in line looking around at stuff and I saw them high up! Pretty good stuff to NOT miss!

There was a group of people around our same college age at this spot when we first got here. One girl decided that bathing in a thong and a rolled up tube top was an appropriate thing to do. It became a good joke for us as we were out practicing LNT technique. "Nothing better than some filtered out thong water". I always say. I guess I was just dissapointed I didn't bring my singles! =)

Cliff Arch

Kris and her Sexy-Time Glasses


So... this one was a first! I think for our fearless TL and for us! When passing his "Ultralight Pack" down Stephen Witnessed every packers worst nightmare! A pack in the creek! haha it was pretty funny and resulted in a long list of mishaps that perpetuated our entertainment! Good thing Stephen is a true adventurer and a trooper at that! 10 points removed from Gryffindor for that one!

A pack in the water! Sleeping bag up might you note!

The Cotton Pa!

Some wonderful spring water!

Dinner on the Escalante!

Sumpin it up! Looking good Jess!

A man who watched is hopes and dreams tumble into a watery bath. He also knocked his Pasta out of his pot during dinner so Stephen had a rough evening! Lucky we all were willing to pitch in and share our food so the poor guy didn't starve! I think here he's realizing how lucky he is that it wasn't a human that tumbled off the edge.

Getting ready to cook some Mac N' Cheese

Oh Lindsey! We wished you wouldn't have struck out! "She's starting to notice the pitch in each fart".

Bouncing sun at Camp #2

No one can rock that Hawaiian shirt better than Joe can!

Our monument above our last night's camp.

haha no one wanted to go explore the arch!


Garth's extremely large calves! haha

Gotta get some sexy-time in before the sandy ascent

Crack in the wall! Just so you know, the sandy trail up to this is sandy, hot, and miserable, but short. I couldn't have done it without my trekking poles.

Another selfie in the crack!


Cami does Gymnastics on horses!

Jeff will get in touch with his Aboriginal Ancestors to find the way out.

A great traverse following a great adventure!

Featured image for home page: