Coyote Gulch Plus...

Here's a SAT view rotated 180 so that N is at the bottom: View attachment 129407

The Escalante is seen on the left, big fin is seen at top, and sand dune route up to Crack-in-the-Wall in on the right.

❗ on the left is the "steep descent"
❗on the right is the "slanted ledge"
❗above/left of "slanted ledge" is another route which requires climbing (not recommended)

The "steep descent" route can be accessed via social trails either east or west of the "fin". It appears that the trail from the west is more popular but it's hard to tell for sure. I haven't done either route as once I climbed up I went back down and did the ledge route instead. I have a video overview of this which I might be able to dig up soon.

Funny... I just found another photo I had from below the "steep descent" and it doesn't look that bad. So now I don't know which of my own memories to trust! Not a great pic, but here it is. The steep part is almost out of view at the top right. After that descent you traverse sideways for a short ways before being able to get down to the canyon floor.

View attachment 129408
Thanks for this - your exclamation points, arrows, and descriptions are really helpful. Those combined with @desertvic's stuff and your earlier stuff are enabling me to understand it better now. I can't wait to put this puzzle together once we're actually there!
I think this is looking upstream from around that spot in CG:
View attachment 129411

p.s. If this gives you pause, lower Stevens has at least one short 4th class move you'll need to get through before "poison ivy hill".
This looks fine, but I realize photos don't show what things are really like. Good to know about the Stevens class 4 move! (And I don't know that I can make myself do Poison Ivy Hill anyway - I definitely react...)

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