Coyote Gulch additional parking


New Member
Aug 31, 2020
Hi, I’m going up to Coyote Gulch this weekend for a three day overnight trip. I was planning on parking at the water tank. My question is; what if the lot is full, is it okay to park on the side of the road near the parking area? I’ve searched, but I can’t find a solid answer. I’ve been up Hole-in-the-Rock road before, but only on weekdays so parking hasn’t been an issue.
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I don't know the answer to your question, but I assume you know that it will be deathly hot there at this time of year? Some people don't mind the extreme heat too much, but I personally can't stand it, and it definitely makes the trip more dangerous...
I would definitely not parallel park on the roadway. If Hurricane Gulch trailhead is full (unlikely) I would just go to Red Well and start there. Much quieter anyhow.
I’m planning to park overnight at the Jacob Hamblin TH (Water tank) off Forty Mile Ridge Rd. since my vehicle won’t make it all the way to the Crack-in-the-Wall TH. Hurricane wash and Redwell would require too many miles.

I just can’t imagine people driving all the way down to the water tank and being turned away because there’s no parking. i’ll just figure it out when I get there. If the parking area is full I’ll look to see what others are doing with the situation.
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